The Racing

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I am so close behind the car I can touch it, but what help will that be? I decided the best idea is to just outrun it, but sadly I'm the one chasing him, so it doesn't really work.

"Aha," I thought of a brilliant plan! I would stop off for some petrol and get some food for a food fight inter-vehicles and in to vehicles, as well.

Broohoohooom. I stop off at the petrol station, fill up my tank and buy sweets, truckfuls of them, burgers, mountains of them, pizzas, heaps of them. But then I notice, I have too much. So what, I'll just eat some on the way.

I vroom alongside the car but suddenly, he notices what I'm doing and makes a speedy left turn onto a dusty, forgotten road, but I quickly recover by zooming to the other side and throwing pizzas through the empty window (not forgetting to eat some, as well). One burger flew through the window, (this is supposed be in slow motion) starts to deform and splats on the dude's face and the car goes out of control and skids off to the left.

"Wow, that was big master, Big Mac!"


The door swung open, the man stepped out of the car, his face turning red, or is that ketchup? But ketchup or not, he was angry! It is probably a bad time, but I take out my phone and take a picture of part of the burger on his head before dashing off on the motorbike.

"See ya, although, I'd rather not" I scream  while I take off.

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