Accidentally In Love With My Best Friend ~ Jay Jay

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Pairing: Jay Jay X Fem Best Friend Grinder Reader

Requested By: No One
Y/N: Your Name

"Hey guys. Have you seen Jay Jay? He hasn't responded to my texts for a few days now. I'm getting a little worried." You say as you meet the other Grinders at the lot.

"You sure it's not just because youve been crushing on him for the past year?"

"Oh haha funny boys. No. It's not because of that. He always texts me and he hasn't spoken to me for a week except when we're in person so I'm just a little worried if he's alright."

"Don't worry (Y/N). He's right there." Goggles says as the group sees Jay Jay.

"Hey Jay Jay." You say happily as Jay Jay walks over to the group.

"Oh come on. Can't I get one day of peace from girls?" Jay Jay says frustratedly.

"Huh? What did I do?" You ask in surprise and annoyance.

"Ugh. Nothing." Jay Jay says as he scoffs.

"Then why are you being so crabby?" You ask angrily.

"This girl that's been trying to talk to me. She won't leave me alone. Can't take no for an answer. Jeez." Jay Jay says as he groans.

"What's she been doing?" You ask as you notice Goggles and Lil Rob behind you waving their hands and arms at Jay Jay before they stop seeing you look at them.

"She's texting me non stop, always complimenting me, she's always trying to get my attention. I swear it's like girls only see one thing anymore." Jay Jay says.

"Oh? And what's that supposed to mean exactly?" You ask offended.

"Jay Jay now would be a good time to shut up man." Jack Knife says.

"Unless you are asking for trouble. Be quiet." Spitball says.

"Seriously. Exnay on the girls trouble." Emo Crys says.

"No. Let him speak. What do you mean Jay Jay? Im curious. What do girls only see with you that's so bad?" You ask as you cross your arms and glare at Jay Jay.

"A good looking guy. It's like they don't care what they gotta do to get a good looking guy on their arm. Girls are such trouble and drama queens. It's all the same with them." Jay Jay says as you growl offended.

"Excuse me!?" You say as you give a shocked expression as the other guys groan and facepalm while shaking their heads.

"What?" Jay Jay asks.

"Okay for one not all girls are the same skater boy and second you might be good looking but you're not irresistible you're just irritating and a jerk. If you really think all girls are so bad then I guess that means you don't want me around either." You say angrily with a hurt expression.

"What? (Y/N) I didn't mean-" Jay Jay then gets cut off by you.

"Oh I know exactly what you meant. You're a self absorbed jerk Jay Jay. If you can't treat girls with more respect than that than you don't deserve me as a friend at all." You say angrily as you turn to walk off.

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