When Someone Flirts With You

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Lil Rob

Not a good idea because he'll find any way he can to embarrass them to get a point across.


He'll "accidentally" fire an experimental invention at the person and he'll make it as clear without actually saying it that the other person should leave unless they want another accidentally firing of a weapon at them.

Jay Jay

He trusts you but does not trust the other person and he'll make up excuses to get you away from them to stop their flirting.

Emo Crys

He'll start trying to show off to get you away from the person and if that doesn't work he'll make up excuses for you both to leave.


He would give a warning to them to leave you alone and if that doesn't work he would punch them before taking you by the hand and walking off with you.

Jack Knife

He would watch and let you handle it and if that doesn't work he'll go over and start being really lovey dovey to get the message across.

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