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The time had come for stores to begin closing, even though there were still a few hours before the curfew came into effect.  The Blockbuster was part of these stores, mainly because Randy was the only employee there, and he wanted to get to Stu's party.

"Hey (y/n), I can drive you to the fiesta," Randy said.

'I'm not going,' you quickly wrote.

"What?  You have to!"

'No, no I don't.'

"After you revealed to Stu that you've been calling him by his birth certificate name this whole time, yes, you are.  He's gonna want an apology," Randy told you.  "Plus, you'll have a bigger chance at not getting attacked!  Safety in numbers, right?"

You hesitated for a moment before nodding.  He was right.  In a house full of teenagers who would most likely be dancing and moving around, even if the killer did show up, they'd have a hell of a time finding you.  And the odds someone saw them and called the police before they could get to you would also be much higher if you were in a house full of people.  It most likely was the safest option for you.

"Come on, I'll drive," Randy stated, directing you towards the back.

His car was a cheap looking Chevy, but it fit with how little he was getting paid by Blockbuster.  He only had so much money to help for gas and repairs, so he wasn't able to pay for the best vehicle on the market.  But, it got him place to place.  Such as from Blockbuster to Stu's fiesta.  Randy had you sit up front with him so that he didn't feel lonely, even though you were probably going to sit there anyway.

The drive was silent, but not in an uncomfortable way.  It was just the fact that you were comfortable with Randy enough yet to talk, and he was too busy focusing on the road to read anything you wrote to reply to him.

Soon enough, he pulled into a long winding driveway that led to a large Victorian style mansion. Damn, Stu's family must've been rich.  Randy parked among the mess of cars and trucks scattered across Stu's front yard.  You both got out, and you saw Randy grab a stack of VHS tapes from the backseat.  He had decided to be the hero no one asked for and grab a bunch of horror movies for the kids.  He was hoping that some people would use it as a chance to get close in a... fun way.

Inside, Tatum and Sidney were dishing out snacks, Stu had attached a funnel to a hose pipe and was using it to guzzle down alcohol, and Randy had disappeared to set up the movies.  You weren't hungry, so you didn't want to talk to the girls.  You didn't drink or do any drugs, wanting to be sober in case you ever wound up in a situation like the night your father died.  And as much as you liked Randy, you weren't going to be near a bloody movie for him.

God, it'd been a mistake coming here.  You didn't know enough people, so now you were stuck alone.  The few people you did know were busy, and you already knew that most of the school thought you had something to do with Casey and Steve's murders.

Maybe you could just walk home?  It was a nice night out.

But the killer was out.  If you went home alone and out in the open, your chances of survival crashed right through the floor.

Not having many other options, you went and sat on the stairs by the front door.  You didn't want to talk to anyone, and the stairs were most likely the most empty place you'd be able to find in this house.  You started to count beams supporting the banister to pass the time.  How long did Randy want to stay here?

Suddenly, the doorbell rang, and Stu came rushing over to answer the door.  But before he could, he saw you.

"(y/n)!  What are you doing up there," he asked.

You shrugged in reply, to lazy to bother finding a blank page in your notebook.

"Well, you're coming with me.  I want you to be my shadow the rest of the night.  You need to have fun.  It's a fiesta!  Unwind a little," Stu demanded.

Then, he opened the door.  A police officer walked in, followed by another woman.  Stu smiled brightly and grabbed your hand, rushing into the living room.  Randy has his movie up, but he paused it for his friend.

"You'll never believe who's here!  It's that chick from 'Top Story,'" Stu announced.

Suddenly, kids were jumping up and flooding to the doorway to see for themselves.  You heard the officer reprimand someone for drinking underage, only to claim he was joking and told them to have a good time.  Officer of the year award.

Tatum quickly stood up and made her way over to the officer, and even though you couldn't hear them, it wasn't hard to figure out that she was giving him an earful.  The anger radiating from her face was clear enough.  Soon enough Sidney had to step between the two, and sent Tatum away so that she could talk to the officer alone.

"Hey Tate, could you go get some beer?  There should be more in the garage," Stu said.  "I need to get (y/n) here loosened up!"

"What am I, the beer wench," she asked sarcastically.

And with that, Tatum disappeared into the garage.  The officer and news woman left, and Stu grabbed your hand and dragged you over to the couches.  He sat you down on a chair, and plopped down next to you.  He quickly stole your writing materials so that you couldn't tell him to stop, and he draped his arms around you to keep you trapped.

Your eyes widened at the screen.  Randy had only brought bloody horror movies.  It was going to be torture for you to sit there and watch.

You hated the universe.  It really thought it could stick you with an asshole.

Once the commotion died down, Randy pressed play on the movie, and a character began screaming.  You squeezed your eyes shut, turning your head to bury your face in the cushion (you made sure it was the opposite direction of where Stu was sitting).

"Oh no!  Is (y/n) scared," Stu asked, feigning concern.  "Don't wowwy!  The big, scawy Stu is hewe to pwotect you!"

"Can it knuckle head," Randy demanded.  "Some of us are trying to watch!"


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