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Casey had decided she wanted to hang out with you after school as well, so she shooed Steve away, and brought you to the local pizza parlor.  Apparently it was run by this old Italian family who used the restraunt as a front for their business in the fucking mafia, but the food was so good, they wound up leaving the illegal stuff behind, and pursuing a future in the culinary world.

And the Gelato you were eating was proof that their restraunt would do well for years to come.  Casey's Cannoli looked just as good.

"Catherine Becker, back in my restraunt," a girl suddenly said.

"Lenora," Casey squealed excitedly.  "(y/n), this is Lenora!  L, I didn't know you were back!  I would've come by sooner if I had known!"

"I got back almost a month ago!  And it's a pleasure to meet your friend," Lenora told her.  "I need to get back into the kitchen, I just wanted to say hi to my girl quick."

Casey practically jumped up from her seat and pulled Lenora into a bone crushing hug, one that Lenora quickly reciprocated.  When Casey finally released her, Lenora made her way to the back, and Casey began to explain to you more about this new person.

"That's Lenora, the owner's daughter.  She's been working here since she was 12, and left a few years back to go to college.  She went to culinary school, and swore to continue her parents legacy."

You nodded, but were a bit confused.  Chefs were supposed to be hard asses to make sure things went smoothly.  Like a bridezilla of the kitchen.  And Lenora seemed too nice for that, honestly.

"Everyone was nervous she was just wasting her time, since no one here ever does anything interesting," Casey explained.  "Once you live here, it's like you've thrown your future away.  But Lenora... she can change the world."

'You seem to like her a lot.  Are you both good friends,' you asked.

"Yep!  We have been since childhood! And I bet you would like her too," Casey told you.  "Alright, enough about me.  I want to know some more about you."

'What do you want to know?'

"How about... what's your favorite movie?"

'Monty Python and the quest for the Holy Grail,' you answered.

"Oo, that's a good one!  Do you like scary movies?"


Truth be told, you hated them.  Once upon a time, you loved them.  They made you happy, they provided an escape from reality while giving you an adrenaline rush, and you watched one almost every night.  You had even begun to spot some pattern in slasher films, and actively looked out for them in every movie you watched, whether it was a horror or not.

But then you watched your dad die.  No patterns in fictional movies could save you.  And suddenly, knives and guns being held by people with the intent to destroy, and blood splattered all over the walls made you feel like you were back against the wall, watching the intruders tear up your father.

So you stopped watching horror movies.  You chose to stick to comedies, things without realistic looking blood, or something that would make you remember the bad things.

"Oh.  I love scary movies, but I won't make you watch any this weekend.  We can watch Monty Python.  Have you ever seen 'Steel Magnolias?'  I cry like a baby every time."

Casey proceeded to talk about her favorite movie choices, but actively avoided talking about the horror genre, which you were thankful for.  She threw around the idea of inviting Steve to your sleepover, and you didn't despise the idea.  Steve seemed like a nice guy.  The only thing he had done so far that you were a bit iffy about was drag two people who might've considered him a friend.  And if that's what he did in knowing you less than an hour, what else would he do or say?

But, then again, you had known him less than an hour.  And by the sound of it, those two guys were pretty creepy, and so maybe Steve just genuinely thought he was helping protect you or something.  You couldn't really judge his character with how little you knew him, but spending Sunday night with him could help with that.

And as for Steve and Casey dragging the two boys... you didn't know how to feel.  One was your soulmate, so shouldn't you feel angry, or upset by them being so rude?  And even if he wasn't your soulmate, Steve and Casey were talking about two people rudely behind their backs.  Shouldn't you put a stop to it?

God, why did life have to be so confusing?  Why couldn't their be a handbook, or some sort of instruction manual?

"So (y/n)," Casey began.  "Are you excited to meet your soulmate?  I mean, it must be exciting after whatever you went through.  Like... you're being promised someone who could protect you!"

'I don't know.  It feels more terrifying than anything,' you admitted.

"Oh, pre-meeting nerves.  That just means that you're getting close to when you finally meet them," Casey exclaimed.  "Whoever they are, they better treat you right, or I'll kill them myself!"

'You don't need to do that!'

"What if I want to?  I want to make sure my friends get the happy ending they deserve!  Even if it means getting violent for a second..."

A waitor began walking towards you and Casey, holding a check.  You quickly began reaching for your wallet, when Casey smacked your hand.

"Nope, I'm paying," she told you.  "I brought you here, it's only fair.  And you could consider it a congrats for surviving your first day at Woodsboro."

The waitor set the check down, and Casey began to look it over.

"Looks like neither of us are paying," she said.  "Turns out we got a Lenora discount, and a demand to come back soon!"

Aw, that was sweet of her!  You smiled, a bit surprised.  You had managed to make two friends pretty quick, and got free dessert from a mafia run restraunt (but you should probably avoid telling your grandmother about that last part).  You had also met one of your soulmates, but you weren't sure if that was something you should consider a good thing.

But, either way, all in all, today had been a good day.

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