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Casey had you spend Saturday with her as well, spending more time at the Italian place with Lenora.  You had brought your notebook to communicate, and turns out, you and Lenora had a lot of similar interests.  Once Casey finished, she dragged you to the local video store to pick out a selection for tomorrow.  And you were quite surprised to walk in, and see Randy standing behind the counter.

"Casey, (y/n)," he pleasantly welcomed.

"Hey Randal!  Anything new in the horror section," Casey asked.

"Nope.  Sorry."

Casey shrugged and began making her way over to the fear-filled aisle, and you stayed back so she could do her own thing.  You didn't want to bother her by freaking out over cover art.

"So, what've you been up to this fine day," Randy questioned.

'Casey took me to this Italian restaurant.  I got to meet one of the chefs,' you wrote.

"Oh, cool.  Hey, if you don't mind me asking, what's on your arm?"

He pointed towards your scar.  He had seen the letters peaking out, and got curious.  Had you decided to give the universe an ultimate 'fuck you' and gouge it out yourself?  That's the way some horror movies started, ya know.  Or, did something else happen?  Either way, it was strange, and he wanted answers.

'I don't want to talk about it.'

Oh.  Well crud.  He wasn't gonna say anything else, the look on your face clearly showed disdain for whatever happened.  He'd just live with his curiosity till you were willing to talk.

"It was a soulmark, right," he asked.

'Yeah.  Why,' you asked.

"Have you met them yet?"


Technically, it wasn't a lie.  You hadn't met that person yet.  And he didn't specify.

"What did it say," Randy interrogated.

'Something about puppies.'

Yep, there's the lie.  Like hell you'd openly express that it once said something about splitting something or someone open with a knife.  Just thinking about it sounded like a terrible plan.

'Do you have a soulmate,' you questioned.

"Yeah, actually!  Haven't met her yet, though," he told you.  "Apparently, she's gonna try and tell me that Chucky's name is Chucky, not Charles Lee Ray."

You assumed that he meant the character Chucky from the movie 'Child's play.'  You had watched that movie once... with your dad.  He found it funny, and you found it interesting.  Then you started telling him about how you would've changed the plot to make it better.  And he said you'd make a good movie director, writer, producer, something that could get Hollywood on the right track to a good horror film.

Then he died.  And you couldn't even follow your new friend into the horror section of a Blockbuster.  He'd be so disappointed in you, wouldn't he?

"Hey (y/n)," Casey happily called, saving you from your thoughts.  "I finished up in the horror section, want to help me pick out some videos for tomorrow?"

You gave Randy a curt wave, and followed Casey as she ventured deeper into the store.  Soon enough, you were both in the comedy section, and a copy of Monty Python was in your hands.

"Oo, 'Dumb and Dumber,' classic," Casey said, grabbing the movie off the shelf.  "And I've heard 'Tommy Boy' is pretty good too.  You want to pick anything else?"

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