Chapter 5

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The male, and female soon arrived to a room to where they can train.

Y/n: Now Evie. Tell me about your ability.

Evie: My ability is Illumination. It's leveled at 1.5.

Y/n: How do you use it? Can you show me?

Evie: Sure!

As she uses her ability her hands glow brightly.

Y/n: I see..... There are many uses for this. Though we will need to train you.

Evie smiled hearing this.

Evie: Yay!

She had a single thought at the time.

Evie(Thinking): Finally I can find a use for this ability.

Evie: So what are yourthoughts?

Y/n: You can use it to blind people. Then attack them while they are stunned. Though depending on the other person ability that could be canceled out. We'll have to train you for that outcome as well.

She nodded her head in a fast motion. Listening to every second of his sentence.

Evie: I understand!

She was genuinely happy that someone was willing to take there time in order to help the lower levels.

Or so she thought.......

The male would write down a list of instructions.

Y/n: So if you cover someone's eyes with your hands, and use your ability there isn't much the opponent canDuel, but like I said earlier that can also depend on there ability .

Y/n: Once you blind them there instincts would be to rub at there eyes on order to adjust to the sudden light. That'll give you a few seconds of an open area. I'll show you.

He for instance covered his own eyes.

Y/n: You see how all my weakpoints other than my eyes are open for attack? Like the armpits, neck, groin, and even the feet.

Evie: Feet? Why there?

Y/n: Most of your veins, and nerve system goes down there. It's one of the few flaws a human has. If you attack them down there it'll weaken them severely. You can also attack the ankles, and shins though that'll take precision, and a lot more time.

Y/n: I used to do a lot of that in the past. It's easier then wasting energy on one person then to fight there group as well. Most people fight in groups now. So save your energy, and dwindle there numbers down.

Evie: Okay that makes logical sense. Though highly doubt I can take on a group of people.

Y/n: Hopefully you won't have to. Although you can fake your ability to.

Evie: Fake it?

Y/n: Think about it like this. Both of you hold an advantage over each other on battle. You won't know there ability level, ability type, or what there ability can even do. So if you fake it. By let's say taking out 2 people they'll either run for it. Or recklessly attack you.

Evie: I see. So by having that advantage can the outcome of a battle change?

Y/n: Big time. It can help you, but also be your downfall. It's a double edge sword.

Evie nodded her head again. Now understanding what the male was thinking.

Evie: Do you think it would be possible to take down a high tier with numbers?

Y/n: Definitely. If the high tiers opponents are skilled enough they can most certainly lose. Heck even John can lose if he's not careful on how strong his opponents are or even the environment that they are fighting in.

Evie: Okay! So when do we start training.

Y/n: I'll need to find a place we can train where people will unlikely interfere.

Evie: We can go to the turf war area.

Y/n: No. That would have an even worst outcome.

Evie: Not many people use it now a days sense Wellstone owns it.

Y/n: Hmm..... Maybe that can work.

Evie: It's also an open plains region of our territory.

Y/n: Like I said an environment could be a strength, and a weakness. Though that'll be for the best in our options.

Evie: It's also pretty close to us, and it's in the wide open for miles. Highly unlikely for an ambush.

Y/n(Thinking): To have such an advantage like that. No wonder Wellstone is a prime target for attacks.

Evie: So is that a good area?

Y/n: Yeah. Good job Evie.

He patted the girl on the head. As she blushed from the sudden interaction.

Y/n(Thinking): This would be a prime time to check out the territory.



After the wars we fought. We had an inner battle. Between the High council.

I grabbed North America, South America, while taking over Canada, and Cuba I also united them into one giant nation. By doing this I became a target for the other two members. In the far east Communism spread like wildfire, and in the middle a hierarchy formed. Not like the ones here. Like an actual King, and Queen took over.

This battle has been raging on for 3 years now, and it seems that it may never end.

If you asked the other two nations opposite of mine they would have to say my nation was the strongest though we would be powerful in our own territory rather than outside of it now a days.

Before the war first broke out. I made it clear to bring every resource we had back to out region as fast as possible. Which was successful, and one of the reasons as to why my nation no longer controls territory outside its oceans.

It can be said for the other two. We all agreed to one thing.

And that was to never use nukes. While we may be soldiers that fought in war. We know better that nukes is more destructive than anything else in the world for now.

So we agreed on the TNN Act or Triple Nation Nuke Act.

While we do have them just in case the others decide to use them anyways, but for now we have not launch any, and we have not made threats to use them.

(Unlike a certain individual.)

Though hopefully I can make a change in the others minds, and for us to no longer go to war. Peoples lives are being claimed every day..... If it keeps going who knows what will happen.

~Narration End~

Nobody POV

As the Narration ends we can see Y/n getting a phone call. He quickly picks it up.

Y/n: Yes?

???: We achieved the first step like you wanted.

Y/n: Good job Orrin.

I hanged up after. One step closer to success. I just hope the plan works out.


Well everyone that is another chapter down. Hopefully you all enjoyed it, and wish me luck with work, and caretakers.

Recently a certain caretaker is all heated up about how I want to play on the "console" right now, and I'm like.

"I haven't touched it in like 2 weeks."


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⏰ Last updated: Jul 06, 2023 ⏰

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