Chapter 1

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No One's POV

There was a building far out from any civilization, and even well hidden within the ground many experiments were held here.

A boy name Y/n is currently in this place. How did he get here? Well. It's actually humorous. He wanted to be here.

Knowing that in this world power is everything, and that the military wanted to make a very powerful group of "tiers" to help with many missions.

Defending there Homeland. To even going to other countries. This is Y/n life now. Or will be. Once he's done with the experiments.


Age: 8 years old

Scientists1: Sir! We finally got a success! The injection works on 420.

A man with nothing, but green clothes, military uniform if I have to describe it walked over.

???1: Finally. Let's see if what you can do now.

Many of us had to train our bodies physically, mentally, and other "stuff".

This will take months to do, and yet were just getting started.

I started my routine that they made for me to do the next day.

Eat breakfast.

Work out.

Practice with my ability.

Eat lunch.

Study many different places, and fields.

Hacking objects.

Will start practicing with guns when I'm 9.

And finally mental torture I stayed weeks within a room. Nothing around me. Just an average white room. Hardly any food, or hardly any water, and they would turn up the heat one day, and make it freezing the other.

Then we started with target practice. Using our abilities in many different ways. We also need battle IQ as this will help in battle scenarios.

And then repeat for many months.

Through out the months we were able to have our own phones. Of course some stuff was restricted to us, but if was nice talking with Dad, and John.

I'm assuming Dad is still looking for Mom, but to no luck. From what I heard.

TimeSkip- 2 years later.

Age: 10

I got in contact with John who was happy to finally get an ability. Apparently him, Claire, and Aaron were training there abilities. Which made me happy knowing that he was training to get stronger to.

I put my phone away as I hear boots hitting the floor. Sounds like there walking my way.

As I then hear my door to my room open, and my commanding officer.

Jake: Hey Y/n good news for ya kid.

Y/n: Sir?

Jake: We got a mission for you. Let's get to debriefing, and you'll understand what is needed.

I nodded, and got up from my desk. My room comes with a bed, desk, and a console with military like games.

Once we arrived to the debriefing room I noticed 2 other kids. Then another 10 across the room.

Jake: Stand with the team of 2.

Y/n: Yes sir.

I walked over to the duo, and stood next to them in attention waiting for the debriefing to start.

Commander Watts: Welcome kids we have some good news for all of you. Your first mission as recruits. The 3 of you.

He points in our direction.

Commander Watts: Your considered the high council. You 10.

As he points to the other 10.

Commander Watts: Your the council. The people that will command you are the 3 standing across the room. Understand?

Council Members: Yes Sir!

Commander Watts: And you 3. Don't disappoint. Your the only 3 out of thousands that this serum works. Understand?

Y/n/???1/???2: Yes Sir!

Commander Watts: Good. Now let's start the debriefing with that cleared. Rome your up.

Lieutenant Rome: Yes sir! Look recruits we have a base in the country of ?????, that as been supplying weapons to foreign countries. Those weapons have been used against us. Now we need you to take out this base by any means. Meaning stealth is optional.

He showed us a hanger type building that has many additional defenses as in gaured towers, and even mounted sentry guns.

Rome: Now many of these defenses wouldn't work against abilities like yours, but they have FMJ bullets. Which if you don't know. Can penetrate armor. That's not including your enemies abilities. All we want you to do is destroy the place, and take out any guards. Understood?

Recruits: Yes Sir!

And with that we were on our way to this foreign country. Once we arrived at a base in said country we got a further debriefing.

Commander Karl: Now recruits. We have been scouting the enemy. It seems there is a 10 second gape between guards switching, and most of then seem to party at 3AM. Which is foolish on them, but who are we to complain. You already know what your doing here. We'll have a convoy drive you close to the base, and to watch for reinforcements. We don't want you losing your first battle now do we?

Recruits: No Sir!

Karl: Good! This is the layout of the surrounding terrain. Use this to your advantage, and dont forget to wear the gear we made for you.

Recruits: Yes Sir!

Karl: Good. Now get going!

As we all headed to our bunkers, and got the gear. We had glasses which saw through clothes/walls/x-Ray/thermal. Bulletproof vests, earpieces which not only were bluetooth, and normal earbuds, we could also hack into our enemies devices with them.

Pants had hidden pockets, and even a lockpick kit, and knife.

Boots: Hidden knife compartment on each side, and in the toe area was a blade that extended out so we could stab people with them.

Helmet: Bulletproof with the help of abilities, and even helped with our abilities, and even has a hud.

Once all of us were done. We headed out to one of the trucks.

Driver: We'll be using trucks to get us there. We don't want you getting tired on our way there now do we?

He hops into the driver side. As another personnel jumps into the passenger seat. Us 13 members got into the back, and we were on our way.


Alright that is the first official chapter of this book. Hope you all have enjoyed it, and I'll be posting another here soon hopefully.

Peace out!

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