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Three weeks later I finally convinced Eric that it was time. I was fine the girls were ensconced with Alicia at her mothers. So we marched toward the capitol. We'd found out exact movements for Tyne and his men in the castle. Under the cover of night we fought the river to get to the drain. It was hard work getting the bars off the drain but they managed to get them. Four went first then Eric and I and then another two dozen came behind us. Eric and I took six men and hurried into the castle from the center well where we came up. The other men split into groups and began the sweep of the castle. We moved faster when sounds of fighting finally echoed around the halls. We encountered our own resistance but Eric and the guard we brought kept us safe. I held my sword bare before me but no one got close enough for me to use it. The two guards at Tyne's door surrendered with little encouragement. Robert Tyne stood at his window where the sounds of fighting filtered in.

"So you finally found your way back in." He turned to me. "You think you really deserve this more than I do?"

"I think your rule is corrupt and your methods hurt the people you are supposed to protect. My father set that duty before me and I will pick it up and fulfill it. I won't fail the people."

"If only you'd married my son this wouldn't have been necessary. Now you hide his child from him."

"His child? He may have been there at their conception but he is not their father. My daughters will not have to endure the likes of him. They will not have to know the pain he cause me, or have the chance to fail them as you obviously failed him."

"I have never failed my son."

"Raising a son who would kill the innocent, rape, murder, treason. Those are things that a father would not allow his son to do. So yes you failed him. You failed your king, and you failed these people. I will give you only one chance to kneel and surrender to my men."

"Never." he said vehemence in his voice. He lunged at me but Eric stepped between us his sword knocking the knife the man held away before impaling him. Robert Tyne fell to the floor his eyes unfocused on the ceiling. It was over. Eric left me there with the guards who had come with us to go see the progress of our men. I could hear the fighting begin to die down then it went silent. Eric appeared almost an hour after leaving me there and announced that the castle was ours. We sent messengers out to notify our men. By dawn our men were there and Tyne's had surrendered. A few squads deserted to follow Luka but the kingdom was ours. Another week saw a peace settle over the capitol. As soon as I knew it was safe I sent for Alicia and my daughters. When they finally arrived I was ecstatic to see them. I took them in my arms and kissed them all over.

One year after my fathers death I stood before the priest and was crowned king. A month later I was standing before him again, but this time I was taking Eric as my husband and consort. I held Olivia while Eric held Cristine as we turned and were presented to our kingdom. My daughters though technically born bastards had been blessed by the church and would be princess though they would never inherit the throne. At six months old they were sitting up pretty well and loved to have their father close by. Eric proud to be their father doted on them constantly. I as their 'mother' kept after them and preferred to keep them close even when I was seeing to the business of the kingdom. In the afternoon I would take them with their nanny outside to play. We'd stay there until Eric came from the training yard to eat dinner. We would all eat together then spend the evening before the fire.

As we put them to bed I prayed that my father was looking down on us and saw how happy I was. I thanked him for the wise action of ending my engagement and praised his choice in husbands. I put my arm around Eric's waist and smiled up at him.

"I love you Eric. Thank you for being my rescuer."

"I love you to." He kissed me softly and smiled. "It was the best thing I've ever done in my life."

AN: Sometimes things go wrong other times things go easily. Either way they found their happily ever after. I hope you enjoyed the story. Come back next week for a brand new story.

Thanks for reading.

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