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It took us several days to get to Waters End. It sat lonely and dark in the middle of the lake. Without a boat to take us over we'd have to build a raft and wait for dark to move over to the keep. I was put under guard in the woods while the rest made a craft big enough to take the six of us over. Once I was there and safe two of the men would get the horses and wade them over. The general had been certain that once there we'd find boats to use.

The keep was dark and dank from the years sitting unused. The door we went in fell off its hinges when it was forced open. I helped the men get a fire place cleaned out and then a blaze was started. While I was told to sit by the fire and keep warm the men searched the keep to see the state of the place and what supplies they could find.

"It seems that most of the place is ramshackle but we were able to find a usable bed and some chairs that won't fall apart when used." The general said coming back to me.

"Have the horses been retrieved?"

"They are in the middle of doing that now. We'll have to hunker down and wait till we have more information. We'll have two men keeping watch at all times and I'll be monitoring as well. You'll have to keep inside and most definitely away from any window that you could be seen in. Fire's will be kept to this room and the bedroom you'll be using. I want you..." He crouched in front of me and held out a dagger "to keep this on you at all times. Just because we want to trust the men here to guard you and those that will come doesn't mean that they can actually be trusted. If in doubt cut first and ask questions later."

I took the dagger and put it inside my jacket. It was true that no matter how much I wanted to believe in each man that would be serving and protecting me, there would be those that wouldn't truly be here to do so. The general stayed crouched in front of me. I wasn't sure what he was looking for.

"Your highness, there a few things I think it would be best if kept silent."

"Such as?"

"Why the bastard has done this, for one. The fact of your fathers desire to call off the engagement for another."

"That he wished for me to marry you instead?"

"I think it would be wise. It would be better that all those here and to come will follow you and not you because I stand beside you." I gave a chuckle. I wanted to be mad that someone would do that but I wasn't an idiot. I knew that someone might throw in with me simply because they wanted the general to be king.

"I know that you are a well-respected man. It could be to my benefit to let that slip."

"Only if you are going to go along with your father's wishes." My smile died. Would I want to marry him? I hadn't thought about it much. I wasn't in any hurry to think about it at all.

"Anything else we should keep quiet about?"

"Obviously for strategic reasons we should keep our numbers their placement and any long term plans to ourselves. Also if things should go wrong don't go anywhere with anyone without me telling you to. If we should get separated don't try to find me go to the cabin we took refuge in, could you find it again?"

"Yes." Sure I wasn't a fighter but I was good at strategy. A key aspect to battle planning was not getting lost.

"Go there. No one but me will know to find you there."

"If someone else does find me?"

"I trust that you'll be smart about your choices."

"What if your injured and can't come to me I'm being tracked and can't find help what should I do?"

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