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General Dawes came in from his foray to find food. He had several wild hens in his hand.

"How did you get those?" I asked practically drooling already from the thought of how good they'd be. I was starving.

"I can trap a little. Came in handy today. How's the fire?" I looked at the small fire.

"It hasn't died but seeing as how you threatened to tie me to the bed if you found me out of the bed when you got back I haven't gotten up to add wood to it." He went to the fire and built it up.

"There." I stared at him trying not to glare like I really wanted to. "How are you feeling?" He asked.

"I'm sore but I'll be fine. Can I get up now?"

"Do you need to use the privy?"

"Yes, if you have to know and no I do not need your help." He pointed to the corner and snorted.

"There's a privy chair in the corner you can use that."

"I'd rather use the outdoors." I wasn't sitting on that chair while he blithely started plucking those hens. I moved to the edge of the bed before I realized that I was still naked. I gave an aggravated sigh. "I don't suppose there's some clothes around here I can use."


"You wouldn't tell me even if there were." I accused.

"Nope." He said chuckling. I debated how bad I had to go but I'd been putting it off. It had been embarrassing every time I'd had to make his stop and relieve myself as we'd trudged through the woods. I'd refused to do more than relieve myself now my bowels were insisting on being emptied that was something I didn't really want to do with him in the room. I was debating how to ask him to leave when he heaved a sigh.

"I'm going to get some water. I'll linger on my way back." He said and left shutting the door behind him. That had been easy. Sure he knew what I'd be doing in here but at least he wouldn't have to witness it. I went to the privy chair and sat down carefully. I hurt a great deal but my body wasn't going to let me put this off any longer. As I voided my bowels tears came to my eyes. It hurt, hell on earth did it hurt but I had no choice. When I was finished I washed my behind as well as I could with the water on the table next to the chair. I saw the blood tinted water run down my legs and worried how badly I had been hurt. I managed to get myself into the bed and relaxed before he came back. He didn't say a word just took the pot from under the chair and took it outside. I was facing the wall when he came back. I just knew he'd want to ask if I was okay but thankfully he didn't. I could hear him stripping the birds and preparing to cook them. I just stared at the wall then the ceiling trying not to think about how my life was never going to be the same again.

My thoughts drifted to my father. I didn't know what the bastards had done with his body. The thought of him buried carelessly or worse just thrown in a ditch somewhere made my stomach roll. My eyes stung as tears filled them and spilled over. My father was dead. My kingdom and my innocence had been taken from me. I regretted a lot in my life; mostly I regretted not being the son he'd deserved. My father was a great man. He'd fought wars and been a man that his soldiers had respected. They'd fought and died because they trusted, they believed in him. He'd given them more years of peace then years of fighting. I was the crown prince my father's only child and I was no fighter. I could wield a sword and plan strategy but I wasn't a fighter. I was more than a disappointment I was worthless. How I was going to take back my kingdom with no skills and only one general who commanded no troops I had no idea.

Suddenly I was turned over and clasped in thick arms surprise had my tears and sobs stopping. I looked up at my savior.

"I'm sorry. I should have known something was wrong." I didn't blame him. Perhaps if I did then I'd have something to distract me from the pain in my heart but, the truth was I was grateful to him. He'd saved me and he'd taken care of me. "Your father was a good man. The entire kingdom will mourn him." My eyes filled and I sobbed again. He just pulled me into his arms and held me as I cried. I buried my face in his shirt not caring that I was pressed against his filthy shirt not caring that I was supposed to be a strong king now. All I could feel was the pain of losing the only man who'd ever loved me and made me feel like I was enough.

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