31: Questions.

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"Why the fuck are they calling us in again? We already told them everything

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"Why the fuck are they calling us in again? We already told them everything." Jeno whined as him and Nabi were about to walk into the police station.

"I'm not too happy about being here again but we have to put an end to it, Jeno."

The boy rolled his eyes but didn't say a thing back, knowing his sister was right. They walked past many people waiting to be interviewed by the cops for whatever they did or were witnesses of. The atmosphere in that place was off putting and Nabi hated being there, but setting herself, her brother and their mom free from their abusive father was more important than the discomfort of a police station.

Nabi suddenly froze in place, making Jeno bump into her. "What the-" he shut his mouth as soon as he saw their mom. She got up from the chair and stared at the two with a pained face expression.

"That'll be all, Ms. Lee." the cop had said to the woman who bowed before leaving. When she walked past her kids she said "I'll be waiting outside." with the coldest tone ever.

"Take a seat, please, we have some additional questions for you two." the cop had pointed to the chairs in front of them.
After answering the questions that seemed irrelevant to both Nabi and Jeno, they took a deep breath before walking out of the building. Some drunk, old men had yelled disgusting comments towards Nabi which made her twin to somehow cover her from the freaks until they walked out. The girl shook her whole body as if she wanted to get that awful place off of her.

"What the hell were you two thinking?!" their mom had raised her voice as soon as she saw them walk out.

"Mom, this is what we should've done so long ago."

The woman glanced at Jeno, who tried to calm her down. "Did she put you up to this? I know only Nabi could come up with a crazy idea like this."

Nabi scoffed. "Crazy? It's the most sane idea I have ever had, mom."

"She's right, we really should've done this a long time ago." Jeno took his sister's side.

Their mom tore her hand out of Jeno's and was at loss for words. "Did you think you'll take care of it without me finding out?"

"No, we're not stupid. I just hoped we could tell you ourselves when the time was right."

"Nabi." the woman took a deep breath. "All of this is unnecessary, we don't need drama like this."

"Mom, are you hearing yourself?!" Nabi's voice caught other people's attention as they still stood in front of the police station. "Did you really want to give him your money that you worked so hard for forever? He doesn't deserve a single fucking penny!"

Jeno placed his hands on both her arms, trying to show her any kind of support while sending apologetic smiles to the audience they managed to get. "Calm down, let's get out of here and talk somewhere else."

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