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༒saturday, april 24th

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saturday, april 24th.

a room with white walls and image after image of a pretty boy doing various things had been occupied by the owner. jeongguk.

said male had been pacing his room the last hour- mind frantic and heart racing as his eyes flickered to different things in his room, trying to finalize his plan before he had actually gone through with it.
'this is crazy.', were the only words hovering high into his head and preventing him from even leaving his house to enact his plan.

he was nervous.

and not normally so.

he hadn't known why he was nervous- he had been inside of the boy's home before, had watched him do things that should've been kept in the privacy of his own house, had followed and taken photos of him in every intricate movement he could capture.

but the thought of having the boy asleep and unaware long enough that he could grasp onto what he really wanted had him reeling in both ecstasy and nervousness. what if he woke up? or his alarm went off? or what if the neighbor sees him? what if taehyung had cameras in his house that weren't his?

he had to consider every detail of this plan if this was going to work.

and he was damn positive it would.

jeongguk huffed out a breath, nodding in affirmation to himself and leaving the safe haven of his bedroom, shutting the door behind him and making his way down the hallway. he stopped and glanced around one last time- in case he was caught and arrested. and although he was sure he wouldn't be, there was really no way to tell.

his fingers began to idly pluck at the bag slung on his shoulder, already making his way out of the house with his usual bored expression plastered on his otherwise fidgety countenance.

the raven-haired male had planned a lot for this, spent so much money already but it was worth it- so much so.

anything for his taehyung.

he glanced down at his right hand as he took a sharp left from his street, a piece of paper clutched between nimble tattooed fingers. taehyungs schedule.

he had written it down after noticing a pattern in the places he had gone some months ago, and although things shifted slightly on some days, they were also more or less the same format. taehyung was a person who needed pattern to feel comfortable and familiar.

if he was correct, taehyung should've been at the library getting new books for the week, not at home. so he continued on.

some 20 minutes later and jeongguk stepped onto taehyungs property, and once his foot hit the threshold between the sidewalk and taehyungs lawn, he grinned, encompassing his feeling of wickedness into his little grin.

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