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☦︎︎tuesday, april 20th

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tuesday, april 20th.

jeongguk hadnt ever actually thought about when his.. habit, began.
he thinks it was sometime last year, or had it been longer than that? as of now he thinks it was somewhere in there.

at the time, taehyung had just been too perfect. so small and pretty. ever since the first day he had walked into the university room and introduced himself as the resident ballerina, being the only one in his class.
and jeongguk liked that.

its not as if he had ever planned to do this, but it had just sort of happened, a spur of the moment thing.

it had began with just watching him get on the bus to go home, he said it was to ensure that he got that far safely, and that nothing happened to the petite male on his way out of the campus. what if he fell? or hurt himself? or was bullied on his way out? it was justifiable.

then the distances got longer.

it was getting on the bus with him, and staying on until jeongguks own stop which had only been a good 7 minutes from campus. he claimed he was curious, that his legs grew tired of walking back home.

in truth; they didnt. along with forensics, he ran track actively. his stamina was growing by the day.

then it was riding the bus with him until taehyungs stop, watching him pass the driver a small smile and a thank you as he got off every day at the same exact time. he said it was because he wanted to make sure his bus rides were safe, who knew what kinds of creeps lurked on these things?

then he followed him to his street.
and then to his block.
and then to his house.

today was no different, either. the raven head was a deathly kind of silent as his eyes peered into the back of the smallers body, eyes trailing slowly over the sprawled inches of the boys back.

jeongguk had a systemic approach to this, and had for a bit.

around 7 months prior, jeongguk had volunteered with the campus nurse for his community service hours, considering he was always there anyway from getting hurt with machines used in his curriculum. while organizing student files, jeongguk had just so happened to come across the ballerinas, reading over every excruciating detail of him, retaining even the most unnecessary details.

jeongguk had did conclusive research rather than doing his homework that night, because in the moment- knowing how far taehyung could see without his glasses had been his new priority, and had been more important than work he could do later.

that same night he found out that with taehyungs eyesight he couldn't see past a decent 36 feet ahead of him or in his peripherals.

so thats how far he stayed from him.

other than being on the bus with him, when taehyung got off he stayed behind at the bus station as if he was waiting for another to head down a different route as the first. he did so for 4 minutes exactly, and then trekked the path that taehyung took minutes prior, following behind just enough to see him, but far enough so that the beauty couldnt lay eyes on his stalking figure.

now he stood across the street from the boys house, where he lived alone.

in all of his time being around here, he hadnt once dare to get within 6 feet of the property in fears of taehyung seeing him from a window one day. he had to stay his 36 feet behind at all costs.

but today, he couldnt really help himself.

as taehyung entered the mahogany door jeongguk found himself quickly following afterward, but instead of going toward the door he steered off to the left and stood at a window that had its curtains and blinds open, taehyung being spotted in the middle.

the ballerina had been stripping his clothes from his body- and the second his sweater hit the floor, jeongguks breath hitched, pants tightening at the sight of the boys now exposed torso- something he had only been blessed to see once before this moment.

then his brown leggings got slipped off too, and were thrown into a hamper to be washed later.

although jeongguks eyes were on the cloth-less boy rather than where his clothes were going.

he watched the figure shift over to his bed near the corner of his room his normally blushing face out of view from the peering hooded eyes of the man outside his window. jeongguk couldnt stop himself from dropping a hand down to his now tight slacks that had pressed into his cock like a mocking dare.

he watched him shift his body until he was on his stomach, ass facing jeongguk and face digging at the bright screen of his macbook for homework.

the other hand of the raven head had gone to grab his phone from his satchel, lifting the device in his shaking hand as the other slowly fisted his now stiff cock, eyes settled on his screen which captured the delicate movements of his favorite boy. his lips which had been wet with his own saliva had been caught in between his teeth, tugging at the skin with a sort of need.


he edged closer to his release, thumb running against the slit of his now sensitive and dripping tip.

taehyung.. tae.. puppy..

he grunted silently to himself, gently fucking his hips into his hand as he eyed his lover on the screen held up in front of him.

eventually though, he denied himself- despite being close to his own orgasm. he ended his moment of taking photos and precariously long videos to instead begin backing away from the boys house.

its still daylight out. he couldn't be caught yet. not when he hasnt even touched him yet.

he needed to touch him.

he would finish the rest of his business at home.

new book even tho im ass at keeping up with shit? godbless.

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