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༒wednesday, april 21st

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wednesday, april 21st.

taehyungs days had started out the same since his freshman year of university a little over a year ago.

or what he assumes is a year ago.

the days flew by in the same orderly fashion they always had. dance practice early at 6, then he would go to campus and hang out for a bit until his lecture began, then he would eye his schedule because god damn it he had always forgotten if he had 2 classes, 3, or none for the day.

after that he ate at the same place every day, a quaint little noodle shop on campus ran by a nice man with broad shoulders.

he found himself visiting him more on the weekends.

after that he would go to practice again, stay after for a bit, and then head back to his little house roughly 30 minutes away from the booming campus.

everyday was repetitive, a pattern that taehyung liked, considering his love of proper scheduling and normalcy. he loved when things were the same, he never had to change it.

but even though his days were followed to a tee, it still felt.. off.

every day, the same thing, that odd feeling that buried itself in the pit of his gut and wouldnt leave until the late hours of the night.

taehyung held his head in his hands.

it was happening again.

you would figure after nearly two years of such a feeling it would go away- considering it was justifiable at first as just freshman jitters, but he was more experienced now and his days were always the same so he always knew how they went. it wasnt as if something was going to change because it simply wasn't.

currently he was sat on the couch of his best friend, his new ballet shoes in his hands that he had to break into before they could be worn.

his legs were crossed, shoes in hand as he bent and smacked the pale pink shoes against the curve of the couches armrest, picking at the dainty ribbons.

his friend on the other hand, yoongi, had been sitting on the opposite couch with one headphone in his left ear, the other open and bare to hear his best friend of 12 years in case he spoke. he had a notepad in his hands, right hand carrying a .5 mechanical pencil that drew line to paper.

he was designing.

it was his passion since he was little, the fabrics and sequins and stitches stirred a sort of martyrdom in his chest, a pride in his work.

taehyung had always loved that about him.

said boy had lifted his head from his shoes to set his gaze on the raven head, a frown gracing his soft lips as he paused his tedious movements.

"hyung." he spoke, gaining the attention of his friend.

"hm? what do you need, tae?" yoongi had responded monotonously. although he sound disinterested, taehyung knew he had his full attention from
the way the pencil stopped scribbling and yoongis head perked.

"have you ever.." taehyung started, leaning in closer as if he was being listened to, like he was telling a secret.

and maybe he was.

"have you ever felt like you were being watched?" and yoongi was suddenly confused, gently shaking his head left and right.

taehyung knew he had grabbed all of his curiosity from the way his pale slim fingers had dropped his favorite pencil, chin resting in his right hand now.
"not that i can recall, actually. why? do you feel like that?"

taehyung was quick to nod. his brown hair bounced atop his head as he scooted closer, beckoning yoongi in. "all of my days are the same, even the feeling i get. the same times every day my gut is yelling at me to run and hide but i dunno from what, or what to do about it. i only really feel safe in class."

yoongi had nodded a little, pursing his lips with a gruff hum escaping the flesh. " do you feel that right now?"

taehyung frowned, shaking his head, "no actually.. i swear something is watching me hyung! when im on the bus or getting food or at home.. even now! its like.. it can see me but i cant see it."

yoongi smiled a little to try and ease the smallers nerves, hand coming to rest on the ballerinas knee. "well.. have you ever known you're gonna be in a bad situation but- the situation never comes?" there was a moment of silence before taehyung shot up wide eyed, nodding ferociously at the question.

"yes yes! its happened many times actually. like last week i was stressing about my house rent and i was on the phone talking to you about it remember? i barely had enough money to pay for the month- but a few days ago, my landlord said it was taken care of and i would only need to make a deposit of 100 rather than the full 900! isnt that amazing?"

yoongi raised a suspicious eyebrow, nonetheless continuing his pep talk as an effort to get the boys mind off of unnecessary feeling.

"have you ever considered that it could be a guardian angel?" taehyung snorted, rolling his eyes shortly after. "hyung you know i dont believe in god"
"no no no tae, guardian angels are its own seperate thing, and theres a chance they might not even be things. it may be your own self manifestation- wishing something into the universe, or maybe just a gut feeling you carry that goes away when you've managed to avoid something yourself." yoongi had explained to the wide eyed beauty, bringing a calloused hand up to rub at his hair which in turn made his curly locks a mess.

the boy whined from the hand, gently swatting it away while raising his own to fix the hairs into their places.

when he finished he was a grinning mess, frantically grabbing at his bag and his broken into shoes and throwing them both over his shoulder, ready to rush home to his dog and especially his bed, the thought of a guardian angel on his mind.

"hyung youre a genius!" he shouted, kissing both of the pale cheeks and scrambling out of the house to go home, completely missing the figure who had been crouched behind the bushes in the dark of evening.

the reason im not making this book a romance is bc i can SMELL the comments that will be like "youre romanticizing stalking and etc!", but if enough people want it shittt.. i'll make it a romance.

what do you think?

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