Chapter 15

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Oakstar stood and began to pad toward Mothermouth. Goldenflower walked beside her, matching her strides step for step.

"Come on, Patchpaw!" called Silverpaw. Patchpaw was still sitting on the rock, staring up at the rocks. At Silverpaw's mew, she stood and began to follow slowly. Sandpaw realized his friend had hardly said a word the whole journey. Is she just worried about Shadowclan, or is there something else troubling her? Sandpaw wondered.

It took the cats only a few moments to reach Mothermouth. Sandpaw stood on the threshold and peered inside. The blackness beyond the stone archway was darker than the cloudiest night. Sandpaw narrowed his eyes, trying to see where the tunnel led, but he couldn't see a thing.

Beside him, Silverpaw and Patchpaw craned their heads nervously around the entrance. Even Goldenflower seemed unsettled by the black hole ahead of them. "How will we find our way in such darkness?" he asked.

"I will know the way," answered Oakstar. "Just follow my scent. Patchpaw and Silverpaw, you will remain on guard outside. Sandpaw, you will accompany me and Goldenflower to the Moonstone."

Sandpaw felt a thrill jolt through him. What an honor! Sandpaw glanced sideways at Goldenflower. The warrior sat with his chin boldly raised, but Sandpaw could detect a subtle fear-scent coming from him. It grew stronger as Oakstar stepped forward into the blackness.

Goldenflower shook his mighty head and padded after Oakstar. With a brief nod to the other apprentices, Sandpaw followed.

Inside the cave, his eyes still detected nothing. The complete and utter blackness felt strange, but he was surprised to find that he wasn't frightened. His eagerness to discover what lay ahead was stronger.

The cold, damp air reached through his thick fur and into his bones, stiffening his muscles. Even the coldest nights did not hold the same chill as the air here. This ground has never known the warmth of the sun, thought Sandpaw, feeling the rock smooth like ice beneath his paws. Freezing air filled his lungs with each breath, until he felt light-headed.

He followed Oakstar and Goldenflower through the darkness, judging his way by scent and feel alone. They were walking along a tunnel that sloped down and down, winding first one way and then the other. Sandpaw's whiskers brushed the side of the cave, telling him where to walk and where to turn. His nose told him that Oakstar and Goldenflower were only a tail-length ahead of him.

On and on they went. How far have we come? Sandpaw wondered. Then he felt a tingle in his whiskers. The air in his nostrils seemed fresher than before. He sniffed again, relieved to smell the familiar world above. He could smell peat, and prey, and the scent of heather. There must be a hole somewhere in the roof of the tunnel. "Where are we?" he mewed into the darkness.

"We have entered the cavern of the Moonstone," came Oakstar's soft reply. "Wait here. It will be moonhigh soon."

Sandpaw folded his hind legs under him on the chilly stone floor and waited. He could hear the steady breathing of Oakstar and the more rapid, fear-scented panting of Goldenflower.

Suddenly, in a flash more blinding than the setting sun, the cave was lit up. Sandpaw's eyes were wide open after the blackness of the tunnel. He closed them quickly against the cold, white light. The slowly he opened them into tiny slits and peered ahead.

He saw a gleaming rock, which glittered as if it were made from countless dewdrops. The Moonstone! Sandpaw looked around. In the cold light reflected from the stone, he could make out the shadowy edges of a high-roofed cavern. The Moonstone rose up from the middle of the floor, three tail-lengths high.

Oakstar was staring upward, her fur bleached white in the glow of the Moonstone. Even Goldenflower's pale pelt shone silver. Sandpaw followed Oakstar's gaze. High in the roof was an opening that revealed a narrow triangle of night sky. The moon was casting a beam of light through the hole, down onto the Moonstone, making it sparkle like a star.

Beside him, Sandpaw smelled Goldenflower's fear-scent growing, until it became overpowering. Sandpaw felt startled. Could the warrior see something else here, something dangerous? He saw a flash of movement, felt fur rush past him, and heard the fleeing pawsteps of Goldenflower racing back to the entrance.

"Sandpaw?" Oakstar's voice was quiet and calm.

"I'm still here," he answered nervously. What had frightened Goldenflower?

"Oakstar?" Sandpaw mewed again when she didn't answer. His heart was beating fast, making the blood roar in his ears.

"It is all right, young warrior; don't be afraid," Oakstar murmured. Her calm voice settled him a little. "I think Goldenflower was surprised by the power of the Moonstone. In the world above, Goldenflower is a fearless and mighty warrior, but down here, where the spirits of Starclan speak, a cat needs a different kind of strength. What do you feel, Sandpaw?"

Sandpaw sniffed the air deeply, and forced his body to relax. "Only my own curiousity," he admitted.

"That is good," Oakstar replied.

Sandpaw looked back at the Moonstone. His eyes had gotten used to its light and he was no longer dazzled. Instead, it soothed him. With a twitch of his tail, he remembered his dream. This was the brilliant ball of light he had seen!

Spellbound, Sandpaw watched as Oakstar padded up to the stone and lay down beside it. She reached her head forward and touched the Moonstone with her nose. Her amber eyes sparkled with its reflection for a moment before she closed them. Now she rested her head on her paws, her eyelids flickering, her paws twitching occasionally. Was she sleeping? Then Sandpaw remembered Silverpaw's words: new leaders have to sleep near the stone, and as they sleep, they have special dreams.

He waited. The chill was not so intense here, but still he found himself shivering. He had no idea how much time had passed, but suddenly the rock stopped glowing. The cavern was plunged into darkness once more. Sandpaw looked up to the opening in the roof of the cavern. The moon had passed on, out of sight. All that remained were tiny stars shimmering in blackness.

Sandpaw could just make out the pale shape of his leader, lying beside the Moonstone. He wanted to call out her name, but did not dare break the silence.

After more endless moments, she spoke to him. "Sandpaw? Are you still there?" Her voice sounded remote and agitated.

"Yes, Oakstar." Sandpaw heard Oakstar's pawsteps approaching.

"Hurry," she hissed. He felt her fur brush past him. "We must return to camp."

Sandpaw raced after her, astonished by the speed with which she rushed through the blackness. He followed her scent blindly, up and up the stone tunnel, until she led him safely back to the outside world.

Goldenflower was waiting at the opening beside Silverpaw and Patchpaw as Oakstar and Sandpaw climbed out of the cave. His expression was cold and his fur was slightly ruffled, but he sat motionless and dignified.

"Goldenflower." Oakstar greeted him but did not mention the warrior cat's flight from the depths.

Goldenflower relaxed a little. "What did you learn?"

"We must return to camp immediately," Oakstar meowed briefly.

Sandpaw saw a look of desperation in his leader's eyes. Now the horror of his dream forced its way back into his memory; the fleeing cats; the great, dark warriors; the ear-splitting wail of distress. Sandpaw tried to ignore the cold fear that gripped his muscles, and followed Oakstar away from Mothermouth. Was his nightmare vision about to come true?

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