Chapter 7

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Sandpaw retraced his steps and headed back toward the stream. He thought of those eyes burning from the darkness of the Shadowclan territory.

Suddenly he caught a faint smell on the breeze.

A stranger! Perhaps that Shadowclan warrior...

Instantly a growl rumbled in Sandpaw's throat. The scent message told him many things. The stranger was a she-cat, not young and definitely not from Thunderclan. She carried no distinct scent from any of the Clans, but Sandpaw could tell she was tired, hungry, and sick, and she was in an ugly mood.

Dropping low, Sandpaw moved forward, heading toward the scent. Then he paused in puzzlement. The warrior scent was fainter now. He sniffed again.

Suddenly, with a lightning movement, a snarling ball of fur burst from the bushes behind him.

Sandpaw screeched in shock as the she-cat slammed into him, knocking him sideways. Two heavy paws clamped down onto his shoulders, and iron jaws closed around the back of his neck. "Murr-oww!" he grunted, already thinking fast. If the other cat were to sink its fangs too deep, it would all be over.

He forced himself to go limp, relaxing his muscles as if in submission, and let out a pretend howl of alarm.

The she-cat opened her mouth to give a triumphant yowl. "Ah, a puny apprentice. Easy prey for Raggedpelt," she hissed.

At the insult, Sandpaw felt a surge of fury. Just wait. He'd show this coughed-up furball what kind of warrior he was! But not yet, he told himself. Wait until you feel her teeth again.

Raggedpelt bit down. Sandpaw surged upward with all the strength in his powerful young body. The she-cat gave a snarl of surprise as she was thrown clear. She tumbled backward into a gorse bush.

Sandpaw shook himself. "Not such easy prey, huh?"

Raggedpelt hissed defiance as she tore herself free from the clinging branches. "Not bad, young apprentice," she spat back. "But you'll need to do a lot better!"

Sandpaw blinked when he saw his opponent clearly for the first time. The she-cat was large and muscular with round amber eyes. Her dark brown tabby fur was long and matted into smelly clumps. One of her ears was torn and shredded, and her nose was traced with the scars of many old battles.

Sandpaw stood his ground. He puffed out his chest and glared a challenge into the intruder's face. "You're in Thunderclan's hunting ground. Move on!"

"Who's going to make me?" Raggedpelt drew back her lip defiantly, exposing stained and broken teeth. "I will hunt. Then I will leave. Or maybe I'll just stay awhile...."

"Enough talk," Sandpaw spat, feeling the stir of ancient cat spirits deep inside him. There was no trace of the house cat in him now. His warrior blood was up. He was itching to fight, to defend his territory and protect his Clan.

Raggedpelt seemed to sense the change in him. Her fierce amber eyes sparked with new respect. Dipping her head and breaking eye contact, she started to back off. "No need to be hasty, now," she purred in a silky tone.

Sandpaw wasn't fooled by her trickery. Claws extended and fur on end, he leaped forward, his war cry ringing out: "Grr-aaar!"

With a hiss of rage the other cat responded. Snarling and spitting, young cats and old locked together. They rolled over and over, teeth and claws flashing. Ears pressed flat to his head, Sandpaw fought to get a grip. But the she-cat's clumpy fur snagged in his claws, and he couldn't break through to skin.

Then Raggedpelt reared up on her back legs. With her filthy tail bristling, she looked even bigger.

Sandpaw sensed Raggedpelt's huge jaws lunging toward him. He leaned backward, just in time. Snap! Bared teeth close on the air next to his ear.

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