Chapter 3

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'The Scissoring'

"Okay, I'm stopping you there. I do not want to deal with you drunk, not yet." I chuckle, taking the flask from Jade's possession and shoving it in my waistband once again.
"You're worse than my mother." She sighs.
"I'm just looking out for you." I retort. "How'd you get here?" I ask.
"Beck." She mumbles sadly.
"Come on, I'm taking you back home." I order, standing up and gently pulling her afterwards.
"Oh please, I bet you can't drive sober let alone with alcohol in you." She rolls her eyes.
"Would you rather go back with your loving boyfriend?" I ask, sarcastically. She stays silent after that.
"We're gonna head home." I tell the group, Jade standing behind me.
"I'm going to Cat's for the night to finish up one of our final pieces so don't worry about me." Tori informs.
"Jade, I'm not ready to leave yet." Beck grumbles.
"I'll take her, it's fine." I butt in, fed up with the way he's treating his gorgeous girlfriend. He's not even all that, it's just the hair.
"I wasn't talking to you." He retorts. "Jade, are you okay with this crazy girl taking you home?" He asks. "Bearing in mind you hate her family." He adds, leaning back in his chair, a smug smirk resting on his lips.
"She'll take me, it's fine." She copies my previous sentence, her eyes narrowed.
"Whatever." He sighs, rolling his eyes. I feel a hand grasp around my wrist and suddenly I'm being pulled away. I wave to the others as we're leaving.

"I'm going to break up with him." Jade sighs once we exited the building, tears welling in her eyes, her hand still around my wrist as we walk to my car, no longer pulling.
"Good." I comment, happy she isn't putting up with his bullshit any longer.
"You better not go after him." She chuckles, though, staring daggers.
"I've already told you that I think he's an ass hole." I reply, opening the door for her once we arrive at the car.
"I can open my own door." She grumbles, getting in.
"I'm just showing you that people can treat you right." I roll my eyes, getting into my seat and starting the car. "Where do you live?" I ask.
"Creep." She mutters before telling me her address.

Once we arrive at Jade's house she doesn't get out.
"What's up?" I ask her.
"I don't want to be alone tonight." She signals to the empty driveway.
"Where are your parents?" I ask.
"Working." She mutters. "Can you stay?" She asks, once again reluctantly.
"I don't have any clothes." I reply.
"You can borrow some, please." She almost begs.
"Who knew you could beg." I chuckle, getting out of the car and locking it once Jade's out.
"That was not begging." She rolls her eyes, opening the door. "Thank you." She murmurs.
"What was that?" I ask with a smirk.
"Shut up." She sighs, entering the home with me following behind.
"Make me." I joke. Suddenly I feel a force pushing me against the wall.
"One more day." She whispers into my ear, her vulnerability out of the window, She walks away, leaving me stunned against the wall like a deer in headlights. I let out a shaky breath before taking my phone out and texting my parents letting them know what's going on.

"Take these." Jade hands me some, most likely her, clothes. "You can change in the bathroom down the hall." She points.
"Thank you." I reply. She had already changed into an oversized, black 'Scissoring' shirt and some long, black shorts. I head down to the bathroom and change into what she gave me, a slipknot band tee, once again in black, and some tight bicycle shorts which I would love to see her wearing. I fold up my clothes before returning to Jade.
"Do you wanna watch something?" Jade asks as I sit on the couch next to her, feeling her gaze burn into my skin. She's snuggled under a blanket with a mug in hand.
"Is it going to be the scissoring?" I ask, rolling my eyes.
"Yes." She replies, offering me the mug. I receive it and take a sip, hot chocolate. Such an aggressive, scary, intimidating girl with black hair and a killer stare likes to snuggle up with a hot chocolate and watch a movie after a bad day.
"Then sure. I wanna see what you're so crazy about." I respond. Jade chuckles slightly, I give her an inquiring view.
"Beck always refused to watch it." She informs me.
"Beck's stupid." I sigh.
"Why are you so anti him?" She asks. "I mean, you barely know him- or me." She adds.
"From what I've seen he's a prick. He kissed my sister, willingly, on her first day. Talk about an absolute ass hole. And, I think you can be a little scary and mean but I think you can be nice when you want to be. You haven't been mean enough to drive me away yet." I chuckle, dryly.
"I've never been close with anyone other than Beck. I think I like it." She admits. She glances at me, my arms cupping my legs into me from the lack of heat and throws the blanket to cover the both of us.

"Okay, I can see why you like it so much." I admit once the movie comes to an end.
"Right?" Jade exclaims, almost happily. I check the time, 12:27 AM. I turn my phone over to show her. "Time to sleep?" She asks.
"Yeah, probably." I sigh. I take the now empty mug out to the kitchen and wash it up as she folds the blanket and turns off the TV.
"Thank you." She smiles, the blanket in her hands.
"No problem." I return the smile. I can see she's hurting from her son of a bitch boyfriend. I don't know how she put up with him for so long.

I follow Jade up to her room, not surprised by the amount of scissors and various other weapons on display, or the black that covers the room.
"Are you okay with sharing a bed?" She asks, breaking the silence, seemingly nervous for the first time.
"Yeah, that's fine." I reply. "Though, warning, I talk in my sleep sometimes." I add with a smile.
"I'll just have to shut you up, then." She smirks suggestively, climbing into the right side of the bed after draping the blanket over the covers. I roll in next to her, the bed freezing as my body makes contact. "Everything okay?" She asks as she notices my stiffness.
"Cold." I mutter
"You have a blanket and covers over you, how are you cold?" She questions.
"Your room is cold." I retort. I hear a huff and feel the bed move before a pair of arms wrap around me and pull me in.
"Better?" She asks, my head now resting against her chest, which was definitely warm. My breath hitches, realising how close I was to her, and the position we were in.
"Much." I murmur before the both of us go to sleep.

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