Chapter 2

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I walked to lunch, with another one of my friends Nicole Burns. Nicole has Gray eyes with bright blonde hair.

She became my friend last year. And she's a party animal. I love her to pieces.

"Hay Ruby?"


"Did you meet the new guy, Austin?"

"Yeah I sit by him in English." I shuddered at the thought of his eyes. They went normal. I know it.

"Don't you think hes cute?"

"I guess." I shrugged.

"Ok. Whatever you think."

We sat in our group table. With Jessy, Isabella, and Mia.

"Hey guys." I said.

"Hey Ruby what's up with you?" Isabella asked.


"Oh ok. Yeah right." Mia said.

"I'm telling the truth it was nothing."

"what was nothing?" Jessy asked. And everyone looked at me.


"No way! Was it a guy!" Isabella jumped out of her seat screaming.

"No." I lied.

"YES IT WAS!" Mia yelled.

Her and Isabella were giggling and laughing, then I looked begin them and there stood Austin looking straight at me, then a couple people passed him and he was gone.

I shivered.

Then the bell rang for our next class.

"bye guys."


"Well I never going to tell you."

*After School- at my house.*

"MEW!" I screamed for my pet cat. She came out of her hiding place under the couch.

She brushed up on my legs and I smiled.

"What do you want for dinner?" I asked as I got pots out.

"Meow." she purred.

"Ok." I poured dried cat food in a bowl and gave it to her. She started eating right away.

"Your adorable." I said and looked at the window to see someone in the forest. ( I live right by the forest in our town.)

"What the heck..." I Said to myself.

The firgure looked at me then left in the forest. I grabbed my jacket and went out.

"WAIT!" I ran through the woods. Passing through the branches. And followed the firgure. I stopped once there was a opening.

In the middle stood a boy with brown shaggy hair. And his hand was up he was touching something floating in midair.

"What is that?" I asked way to loud. The thing in the air disappeared an the boy turned around and looked at me. His eyes shined like stars.


Then everything was getting blurry and I started to fall. But Austin grabbed me before I fell to the ground. Then it went dark.



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