Meet The Team

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It was around 2pm the next day Pablo was still here but my training was cancelled. So Pedri and Pablo had decided I was going to tag along with them today.

"You know me, you know Pablo maybe it's time you meet the rest of us." I tilted my head at the suggestion then looked up to Pablo. "Real?" He nodded and gestured towards the door.

I stood up slipping on my sliders and gave them both a warm smile. "Lewandowski?" Pablo chuckled. "Yes. Lewandowski." I squealed a little making my way out and towards Pedri's car. I got in the front turning to stick my tongue out at Pablo.

He stuck his tongue out back and got in the car with his arms crossed. "I hate you." I laughed putting on my belt. "Mutual feelings Gavira." He again rolled his eyes for Pedri to then get into the car.

We drove to the training grounds of where the boys trained, they took me all the way into the pitch to then introduce me to the players. They purposely took me to Lewandowski first but I didn't mind this man has been my inspiration for a good few months now.

"Ahh Macie!" I smiled as we shook hands. "It's a pleasure to finally meet you." I stepped back a little as we parte. "Honestly you too!"

I had Pablo's shirt on that I actually found hanging up last night so I took it. Another boy came up to us and smiled. "Ferran Torres." I shook hands with most of the boys till one in particular came towards me when Pedri and Pablo were talking to Lewandowski.

"You're Macie right? I'm Marc Casadó." I shook his hand with a smile then nodded. "It's nice to meet you." Marc and I had spoke for a little while before Pablo had walked over and in-between the two of us. He slid his arm around my waist looking down at me.

"You okay?" I looked up to him as he turned to Marc giving him a glare having Marc walk away to talk to Ferran. "Yeah I'm okay." He nodded as he turned back to look at me. "Trainings about to start wanna go sit in the stands?"

I placed a kiss onto his cheek as I walked over to the stands sitting onto one of the chairs. There's nothing I hate more in this world other than football chairs. They hurt my bum.

I watched the boys do their training watching how many times I saw Marc look up to me. Pablo saw the third time to the point this then annoyed him. I don't know why it annoyed him because there was nothing between us.

The boys played a game as a warm up with Marc and Pablo on different teams I then sighed and brought my hand up to my face. Marc had the ball making Pablo go in for a tackle. He kicked his shin with his boots making Marc fall hoping his shin.

"Gavi! No tackling during training!" Pablo spat onto the ground sucking his bottom lip into his teeth. Pedri walked over to him and put his arm around his shoulder telling him to calm down.

Marc was taken off and took to get his shin looked at as they carried on the game. Their first half of training ended so Gavi Pedri and Lewandowski walked towards me. "Come on we're going for lunch.

I walked down wrapping my arm around Pablo's waist because I could still see the rage in his eyes. This boy gets angry so easily. He put his arm over my shoulder with a kiss onto the head as we walked towards the car.

Pablo and I sat in the back as Robert and Pedri sat in the front. I had my legs stretched out with my sliders on the floor just so Pedri didn't scream at shoes on the seats. We went through the drive thru of Taco Bell everyone ordering what they wanted and Robert paid.

Nobody ever pays for their own stuff anymore it's either one person or no person. Pablo looked over to me and his face had rested finally at how he wasn't a rage anymore. He placed his hand onto my shin stroking his thumb along it gently.

We were given our food as I began taking the salad off my taco Pedri and Gavi both realised and started eating the salad from my wrapper as I proudly ate my Taco.

We went back to the training grounds for their second session as Pablo and Pedri walked off I was sat in the stands again with Marc. I'm glad Pablo didn't notice so for his sake and my own I sat on the other end.

"Macie. You don't have to hide from me." He then laughed. "I know you and Pablo's thing is fake." I turned to look over to him raising my brow. "Fake? Who told you that?" He rolled his eyes putting his feet onto the seats in front of him.

"Everyone knows it Macie." I rolled my eyes turning back to look at the pitch. "It's not fake." I crossed my arms over my chest as I heard him come closer to me and sit just behind me. "Would you say no if I asked you to dinner?"

I shrugged then laughed shaking my head. "Even if I said yes Pedri would say no." I wasn't wrong it wasn't Pablo he should be worried about anymore. Pedri letting Pablo near me was a first.

Marc rolled his eyes and sat back against the chair. "I'll take you to dinner one day trust me." I then smirked to myself at the ego this boy has.

He then noticed the boys began running again making him move away from me before they saw one another. Pablo looked up at me giving me a small smile, I smiled back as I crossed my legs over one another pulling my phone out of my pocket.

Around an hour and a little later Pablo and Pedri walked back over to me with Pablo giving Marc one of the biggest death stares. "Ready to go home?" I nodded standing up as he slipped his hand into my own as we walked back to the car.
i've been out all day i'm sorry for the late chapter!!

i'll write another later on as it's still my break and i will most likely be up till about 6am!!!

i'm back at school on monday till friday so mostly a chapter a day and then i'm off till august but i have to study for mays exams!!

just a closure to let you guys know.

what do we think of the Marc and Macie thing??

love yaa<3

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