Chapter [02]

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Chapter [02]

"Lauren, dinner's ready!" my mum called me from the hallway downstairs. I scrambled out of bed and shoved the journal inside my pillow case. Dinner could be smelt all over the house and so it wasn't a surprise to hear my siblings rushing out of their bedrooms, as well.

"Mummy, why'd you only call Lauren for dinner?" Lily, the six year old animal lover, asked as she sat at the table. Logan, my irritating twenty one year old brother was already seated beside me, his hands running through his brown hair.

"Because I knew that the rest would come running, whoever I called," mum answered with a laugh. Dad walked into the room, laughing loudly at the 'joke' as he pulled out his chair.

"Mum, did you call the school?" I asked, filling up my glass with water.

"Why do you need to call the school?" my dad asked.

"Because Lauren's in trouble and won't deal with it," Logan answered for me, being the idiot he is.

"Lauren got in trouble?" Lily joined the conversation, making me sigh. She always butted her way into conversations that didn't concern her - she was six years old and acted like she was an adult.

"Shut up, Lily."

"Mum! Lauren swore at me."

"'Shut up' isn't a swearword, idiot."

"Hey, stop bullying my favourite sister," Logan said, smirking while he poured Lily a drink.

"Thanks, Logan."

"Your welcome, Lily."

"What the hell? Mum!"

"Don't worry Lauren, your my favourite rebel," dad howled with laughter, earning a high five from mum.

"Really, dad? And I'm not a rebel. Mr Khan's just really stupidly unrealistically strict."

Nobody answered me as they were too busy eating, already bored of the topic as soon as I had started speaking. Like always.

"Pass me the ketchup, Logan," my dad asked.

He passed dad the ketchup without looking away from his phone. "So mum, Lily wants to go to the park tomorrow, so is it okay if I take her?"

"Sure, why not? Lauren you should go too. You could do with some fresh air."

"Mum, sticking my head out of the window is enough fresh air - the park isn't special."

"No, not the local park, I meant the fields because Lily wants to see some animals," Logan explained.

"Sure, just don't lose my daughter."

"Very funny," Logan rolled his eyes as mum referred to the time he lost our auntie's daughter at the cinema.

"Logan, is Taylor coming?" Lily asked, placing her toy rabbit on the table.

I smirked, "Who's Taylor?"

"Taylor? Is that a girls name, Logan?" Mum squealed, already mentally planning the wedding.

Logan groaned, dropping his fork, "Oh my gosh, Mum, we're just friends."

"Sure," I smirked before shoving a spoonfull of peas into my mouth. "Thanks, Lily."

Lily frowned, furrowing her eyebrows at the fed up look on Logan's face. "I'm sorry Logan, I didn't know it was a secret."

"Its okay, Lily. Mum, I'm going out," he said, placing his plate in the sink.

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