Chapter 3 - A New Encounter

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"Harry..." I whisper. Thank god he didn't hear me, I honestly don't know what I would've said if he talked to me. I kind of wish I had said something though, I passed up on a super rare opportunity to talk to Harry Styles, and I blew it. My limbs began to shake again, and my stomach was in knots. This doesn't feel right, I gotta go introduce myself! Just like that, I swim with all my might with my freshly made tail. I hear from behind me "You go get him, son! I'm so proud!" It was George, but he's irrelevant now. Bumping and crashing into several pedestrians, possibly shoving them to the ground, I catch up to him. "Harry!" I call out. "Harry Styles!"

Just as I was about to reach out to him, I trip on my own tail and fall like a pathetic little school girl. What a great first impression, falling flat on my face in front of the sexiest merman alive! Suddenly I start to feel my eyes burn, but I can't seem to muster up the tears, yknow cause I'm underwater. So instead I just whimpered and screamed like a sad, small wimp. I was just about ready to give up and die right on the spot, when suddenly a gentle, but also large and handsome hand, reaches out to help me up. "'Ello luv, do you need some help there?" I slowly raised my head up to meet my sight orbs with his. It's him! There's no mistaking it. I ended up staring at his gorgeous face for way too long, and I got so lost in his pale blue eyes.

"You alright there? Could've sworn you were on the brink of death," Harry said to me using his very attractive voice box. I try to muster up something to say, but all I got out was "Heebbeehhiiiiii uhhhhhh ehhhheeehhehhh aahhhhh uhhehhennh" and it wasn't good. I finally gathered up the courage to reach out and grab his hand, his slender, manly hand. I interlock my fingers with his, embracing every moment, brushing my thumb against the side of his hand slowly. Look at me! With all this confidence! Suddenly I was caught off guard when he tightened his grip, softly. The confidence I felt for two seconds had faded when he placed his other hand on top mine. "I'm Harry Stoiles."

"I—I'm R-R-Reigen A-A-A-A-A-Arataka! P-p-pleased to meet y-you!" God I sounded like an absolute idiot. Harry smirked and let out a small chuckle. "Heheh, nice to meet you too, Reigen." The sound of his laugh was like music to my ears, and I swear I creamed a little when he said my name (wtf.) Now was my chance, I needed to get his information. I reached into my jacket pocket, there was one left! I whipped out my business card, with my arms furiously moving in every direction. "Here's my card, call me..." Wait, that sounded weird. "I-I MEAN ONLY IF YOU NEED HELP WITH UH SPIRITS AND SUCH YKNOW?!!" There was silence. I messed up again. Harry stared at my card, carefully depicting my design choices. "I hate to break it to you, but I think this isn't the right card." Harry said.

Huh? But I always carry my business cards with me! I look down at it, only to see that it had been replaced with a photoshopped picture of... Dimple? DIMPLE!!? The photo was of him with a bunch of pink filters. Hearts and sparkles covered the photograph, and his face looked like he had swallowed twelve sour candies. When did he do this!? And how do I even have this?!? I quickly discard the photo in hopes he won't think I'm even more of an embarrassment. "OH- UM- oh golly oh gosh- I seriously don't know how that got there I swear!" Great. Real convincing there Reigen. "Um... I think... I'll leave for now..." Harry muttered. SHIT! "Wait Harry please! T-This is all a weird mistake! At least let me try my introduction again!" But it was too late, Harry had left.

I fucked up real bad.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 13, 2023 ⏰

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Fishy Love - Reigen Arataka x Harry StylesWhere stories live. Discover now