Chapter 1 - A New Life

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Pure darkness flooded my vision, and I couldn't breathe. Being pulled down to the bottom of this void against my own will, with my limbs flailing. Suddenly, the pulling comes to a stop, and I try to open my eyes. The haunted fish is staring me down, and obviously I start to freak the fuck out. "AUGUYAHAGAHHHAGH!!" My muffled underwater screeches don't seem to do much. Then, I see another large, blue fish peek from behind the green one. I wasn't aware that there were two haunted fish! The blue one signals to the green one, and starts to swim upwards. The green one follows, and drags me along. "Great, here we go again, I don't have time for this yknow?" I think to myself .

As I'm being dragged up by these fish, my body goes limp. I stopped caring at this point, and I let my body mindlessly travel all over the place. I bash my head a couple times against some passing rocks. My arms and legs also bash into them, probably breaking a few bones. My head is swirling and I give up on breathing. What a pathetic way to die, am I right? Killed by a pair of fish. As I was about to give up all hope and go to hell, I suddenly feel the sunlight hit my face, accompanied with the smell of air. "HEUUUGHHH KAK COUGH SPAT KAK HUEGH GAH HHUUUUUUHHHHH" AIR!! I CAN BREATHE AGAIN! Turns out the fish weren't trying to kill me! Hip hip hooray! Kinda sucks that I broke multiple bones and I probably have a concussion, but I'll just walk it off. As I'm struggling to swim, the blue fish swims up to me. "Sorry my bozo husband had to drown you like that, he's just like that" WHAT THE FUCK THE FISH IS TALKING.

"WHAT THE FUCK YOURE TALKING" I scream. "EXPLAIN YOURSELF YOU HAUNTED FISH, FOR I AM REIGEN ARATAKA GREATEST PSYCHIC OF THE TWENTY FIRST CENTU- gluglugkkjjmmm" My injuries are catching up to me and my body gives up, causing me to sink. Thankfully, the blue fish swims under me and pushes me back up above the water. "See? I don't wanna hurt you. You can stay sitting on my back if you want to rest." I sit there quietly. Damn I really made a fool out of myself there, huh.

"You seem quite distraught, let me calm things down by introducing myself. My name is George, and that bitchass who tried to kill you is Dream." The green fish glares at me. "Hey he tried to kill me first!" he spoke. What kind of fever dream am I living right now, like seriously what the hell did I get myself into. "Okay, let me ask you two something... are you guys evil spirits or something? Or am I really dead?" I ask the fish. They look at each other, then back at me. "I mean I guess you could say that," George said. "We are spirits of the dead possessing these two fish." So the client wasn't shitting around, these fish are potential threats. George continued "Me and Dream both passed on a horrible boat accident. Our bodies sank to the bottom of the sea, and our spirits were lead to this lake. Trust me when I say we mean no harm, I'm sure Dream only tried to kill you because he was startled a little." Dream then yelled "NO SHIT I WAS STARTLED THAT GINGER TRIED TO KILL ME!" "SHUT UP AND TAKE YOUR NORMAL PILLS" George snapped.

I didn't want to be a part of this anymore, I should really head back and call someone who can help me out, maybe Teru is available. "Uhh sorry to interrupt but I really gotta head back to my office now, do you think you can swim me back to land?" George and Dream glared at me like I said some kind of slur. "Actually we can't do that.." Dream said. "You know too much about us." How rude, first they beat the hell out of me now they won't let me go home? Jesus Christ learn some manners. "Dream's right, we can't leave you," George agrees. I gulp, and sweat runs down my face. "Wh..what are you gonna do to me then?" George clears his fish throat, "We're just gonna have to take you in as our own I suppose."


"Welcome home son."

Fishy Love - Reigen Arataka x Harry StylesWhere stories live. Discover now