Prolouge - A New Job

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It was a bright, sunny Sunday afternoon, and I had just received a new client. It was quite an odd request, but I figured I might as well take the money, no matter how strange the request. "Hey Mob, come check this out," I call my apprentice. "This guy is telling me that there's a haunted fish down by the lake nearby, think we can handle it?" Mob stares hesitantly at the client. "Sorry Master, I can't. I gotta.. um.. water my... fish.. that I left in the.. um.. stove." How strange, Mob never leaves me, well, usually. "Alright.. I guess that's okay..?" Before I can say anything else, Mob quickly escapes. Now that I think about it.. water a fish? Aw shit, I can't believe I fell for that! Oh well, I could always ask Dimple to help me out, right? "Hey shithead, wanna help me out for once?" Dimple turned dramatically and his face was.. flushed? I swear he seemed a lot more.. sparkly and dainty. "M-m-m-m-me? H-h-h-help you?" Is he having a stroke? Suddenly, cherry blossoms start to fall from my office ceiling and it makes a HUUUUUUUGE mess! What a pain! How the hell did this even happen? Must be the work of Dimple. "A-ah! I can't, sorry, Reigen-senpai.. I would love to but, I have to help Mob-chan water his fish kyaaaa~" He then quickly vanished through the window. "What the fuck.." I muttered to myself. "I guess he can't then... maybe Serizawa?" I then remembered that he had class today, and there was no way of getting him to help me. "DAMMIT!" I shouted. Guess I'm handling this job all by myself.

I gathered all the necessary supplies and started heading down to the lake. I figured I can just catch the fish that the client described to me and be done with it, it's probably some ordinary fish anyway. I look at the note that the client gave me again: "Green bodied, at least 5 meters long. Pale white face. Beady eyes. Always smiling." How threatening... I cast my line and wait for something to bite. As time passes, I think about why everyone wanted to avoid me today... Maybe Mob's afraid of fish? Or perhaps the water? Whatever it was I'm sure it was a valid reason. Dimple, however, was definitely a bit... weird today. Why was he acting like that around me? It's nothing like him! Do you think that he was... into me? My hands start to shake. "GROSS!" I shout to myself. "No chance in hell! I hope..."

As I was lost in my own thoughts, I felt a YANK come from my rod. This is it! The haunted fish! I struggle and fight against the water, this thing was tough! With enough strength, I pull up the fish briefly above the water. A bright green flashed in front of me, and the pale white face stared at me with its beady eyes. A perfect match to the description. "I did it! Haha!" However, the relief I felt was my downfall, as the haunted fish pulled me down. I trip, and watch in disbelief as I sink into the bottom of the lake...

Fishy Love - Reigen Arataka x Harry StylesWhere stories live. Discover now