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             It all started when the Xian Le Kingdom was during its most prosperous time. The people were at peace knowing that they were protected with their Crown Prince, Xie Lian, looking out for them during the most dangerous of times. Though even the most lively and most peaceful of kingdoms can at times fall into ruin. The kingdom went into a terrible war and during this time, the kingdom was overcome by a terrible disease while the Crown Prince was away from the kingdom. The disease became known as the Human Face disease. It was said to spread to those who lived in the kingdom, though most called it more of a curse than a disease because no one seemed to have caught it except for those who lived in the kingdom.

             During all the chaos, a woman with hair that looked like it could be mistaken for snow in a white with some blue designs on her kimono, sat outside the kingdom almost looking frozen in some way. She showed no signs of any type of movement whether it be breathing or otherwise. People would trip over her, only for her to not be moved at all. If people who got curious touched her or tried to move her, they would find that she was cold to the touch and that it felt as if they were trying to move a statue planted into the ground. So they didn't bother to try to move what people thought was a forgotten statue and just kept running away from all the death and screaming.

             After what seemed like years, with all the screaming and crying of agony of the people around the statue like woman, it all came to a stop. The woman didn't seem to make any movements but it did seem as if the woman grew paler and paler with each given moment. During this moment the weather seemed to get cooler and cooler but as snow started to fall from the sky, the lady seemed to twitch in her arm then in had a twitch in her leg until finally it seemed that the statue woman took a breath. Though, no puffs of air were being blown as the woman exhaled. The woman looked around as if she didn't know exactly where she was. She started to look around for any clues as to see if she could figure out where she was. She slowly got up, her stormy blue eyes looking around to see the once lively kingdom now in ruin surrounded by dead disfigured bodies. She looked in horror, the last thing that she could remember was that she was meditating while there was a festival, occasionally she would hear people walking towards her but she brushed them off thinking they were travelers or some sort. It was then that the maiden noticed all the snow and ice around her. She took a step on the ground and noticed that it seemed as if she was able to walk on top of the snow without leaving any type of tracks in it. The maiden decided that it would be best to go into the forest and hide in there, deciding that maybe staying out of sight was the best option until there was something she needed to do that required her to leave said forest or if something happened to the forest that required her to leave. Otherwise she was going to stay in the forest, away from any prying eyes.

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