Chapter 16

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UA gave all two days off after the sports festival, which you definitely needed. You sat on your bed, playing with the golden medal in your hands, not knowing what to do with it. Bakugou is so weird, he won, why is he so mad when he won. Did it really matter how? You were sure he was noticed by many pro hero's, so what was the big deal? All those thoughts left your head when you heard a knock on your door.

"Hey (y/n), I'm heading out to the store, wanna come?" Fuyumi said on the other side of the door. She sensed your hesitation and felt the need to add to her sentence. "Shoto's coming." She said trying to get you to agree.

"Sure, let me get ready." You said, but she already knew you would agree. You threw the medal to the side, landing on the foot of your bed and started to get ready. You wore casual clothed, a plain black crewneck that was too large for you over a white dress shirt, baggy brown pants, and some platform converse. 

Once you were ready, you stepped out of your room and headed to the front door of your house, where your brother and sister were waiting for you. You all walked out of the house and headed to the store Fukui chose. She wanted to fill the silence that was always there between the three of you.

"Dad will be back in time for dinner today, so I wanted to make something special for him today." She said with a smile on her face, but your brother and yourself weren't too interested in the topic.

"You didn't say that before." Your brother said with distaste in his voice.

"I wouldn't have come if you did." You finished your brother's thought with just as much distaste. 

"That's exactly why I didn't." She said with the same smile on her face. "You both need to get out of the house more." She started, now turning to look at you then your brother. "Have you made any friends in school yet?" She asked the question she has been asking since the first day of school. Shoto only turned his head to look away from her, not wanting to answer her question. 

"Uh, what to do you think Fuyumi?" You turn to look at her with a serious expression. She looked down felling bad about asking and you felt guilty for answering her like that. "Sorry, I just... I don't really know how. I mean out Father never let us have any so I don't really know how to." You said, with a nicer tone this time.

"Yeah, I know, I just want you both to live a somewhat normal lives." She said and you all dropped the conversation as you stepped into the grocery store. As soon as you all stepped in store multiple eyes were on you and your, this always happened when you both went out. As Fuyumi happily walked through the store, getting everything you needed, you and your brother followed close behind not really doing anything. You saw a pack of cold soba and remembered the Shoto liked it so you threw it in the cart, this made Fuyumi smile. 

When you got home, Fuyumi got to cooking one of your father's favorite meals, and as much as you disliked your father, you wanted to help Fuyumi. You helped her prepare the food, cutting the vegetables, seasoning the meat, and more. It was actually pretty relaxing, and was nice time spent with your sister. This was, until your Father got home. 

You didn't know he was here until you left the kitchen to set the table and he was standing there, in his hero costume with that same angry look. What does he want now? You just ignored it and finished setting the table. 

"Oh, Hey Dad! How was work?" Fuyumi asked your father, wanting to break the tension as your brother came out of his room and sat at the table. 

"It was fine." He answered coldly, then went to change in his room. When he came back out, the food was already served and all three of you were sitting at the table. You and your brother had already started eating, wanting to get finished as soon as possible. He sat down and started to eat, Fuyumi tried to start conversation but you all just gave short dry answers. As soon as you were done eating, you went straight to your, same for your brother. 

When you stepped in your room, you noticed the gold medal on your bed and remembered that you had school tomorrow and that you should probably return it to Bakugou, no matter what he says. 

Burning Love (Bakugo x reader)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang