Chapter 5

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You arrived at what was called the USJ and is basically a training facility for any natural disaster you can think of. In the entrance stood the pro hero Thirteen, she led your class inside and started to explain what exactly we would be doing. Everyone was amazed at how big it was.

"I created this facility to help train you in unexpected disasters." Thirteen started. "There is a shipwreck, a landslide, a fire, and more." she explained while we all just started in excitement. She then went on to explain how we need to keep in mind how dangerous our quirks can be and to only use them for rescuing today. We were about to get started without rescue training when we noticed a purple fog-like substance appear right in the middle of the USJ.

"Is this part of the training?" multiple students wondered out loud. Then, we saw the look of horror on our teacher's face as the fog got bigger and blogger, revealing a horde of villains coming out of the smoke.

"THIRTEEN, GET THE STUDENTS OUT OF HERE!" Mr. Aizawa shouted at the pro hero next to him as he jumped over the railing and ran towards the villains. Everyone froze, they finally realized what was going on.

"COME ON KIDS, MOVE IT!" she screamed, getting everyone's attention. You all started running towards the doors where you entered from but were stopped when that purple fog-like figure blocked your way.

"I'm sorry but I don't think I can let you leave." the tall figure said rather calmly. Before even accessing the situation further, Bakugou and Kirishima launched themselves towards the purple figure. The fog swallowed them whole and they disappeared, you guess the fog was a sort of portal and that they were moved somewhere else in the USJ. You stood in front of your brother wanting to shield him from anything the purple figure was planning next. This was until he engulfed everyone in his fog and before I knew it I fell to the ground on top of a building inside the USJ. You were on your hands and knees, a little dazed from what happened but got up anyways. You looked around you and found Kirishima and Bakugou, you guessed this is where the villain sent them as well. Then, you realized.

"Where is he?" you softly said, more to yourself than to the two boys around you. You frantically looked around you then around the building, not finding any trace of your twin.

"Hey are you ok?" Kirishima said, confused at what you were doing. You ignored him, stepping on the ledge of the building trying to get a better view of the whole USJ to find your dual haired twin. Your breathing started to get heavier every second you looked around and couldn't see him.

"(Y/n) it's okay." Kirishima tried assuring you, stepping closer to you. Bakugou started looking around as well, ignoring your weird outburst. "There's no need to wo– WAIT, DON'T!" he cut himself off once he say you jump off the building. You thought it would be best to start look for your brother as soon as possible so you took the fastest way down the building. You shot out bursts of flames from your feet to slow your fall. When you landed safely, Kirishima turned to Bakugou with wide eyes. "She's crazy." he says dumbfounded at your actions.

"Shut up. Let's go." Bakugou brushed Kirishima's comment off and jumped down as well. You were about to start running to the disaster in front of you when a group of villains surrounded you. They all had smirks on their faces, swinging their weapons in their hands and stepping closer to you. You felt as Kirishima and Bakugou landed behind you.

"Ready gu-" Kirishima was cut off by Bakugou and yourself as you both launched yourselves towards the group of villains. "Oh come on." Kirishima complains. You punched the air right in front of some villains and a large burst of flames followed. While they were caught off guard by the overwhelming heat you shot at them, you took this chance to attack once again. You threw a punch to the face of the villain in front of you, knocking him back, then you kicked at the feet of the villain standing on your right, tripping him. This gave you enough time to counter the punch that the third villain on your left threw at you, stepping aside, twisting his arm towards his back, then kicking him towards the other two villains making them all topple over on a pile. You were waiting for them to get back up but surprisingly they stayed down.

While you were thinking about how weak these villains were, you felt the presence of another villain creeping up behind you. You let him get closer, making him think you didn't notice him, then crouched down as soon as he was about to grab you. Swiftly turning around to face him, you punched him right in the gut, knocking the wind out of him. You saw Kirishima and Bakugou fighting the rest of the villains. They were doing fine so you decided to go look for your brother now.

"You guys got this." you said loud enough for them to hear, before you turned to start running. As you turned around you bumped your face first into someone's chest, you tried moving back but you couldn't as tentacle looking arms wrapped around you.

"And where do you think you're going little girl?" The villain spoke to you. By this time Kirishima and Bakugou were done fighting the rest of the group of villains from earlier, but were horrified when they saw this stronger looking villain with you in their arms. You tried escaping but your arms were bound to your sides and your feet were barely on the floor. Bakugou and Kirishima got into a fighting stance but the villain just shook his head. "Ah ah ah, attack me and your little friend here will get squeezed to death." he said, squeezing you in the process to give an example to the two boys in front of him.

It hurt but you weren't going to scream, you refused to scream. Neither Kirishima nor Bakugou knew what to do, if they attacked you would just get more hurt. The pain was getting unbearable but you still refused to let out a sound, since your face was facing his chest you decided to bite him as hard as you could.

"OWWW!!" the villain holding you hostage yelled. "WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU?" he added, loosening his grip and putting a hand to his chest where you bit him. Your feet reached the ground now and you quickly brought your leg up and kicked him right between the legs. He let out another scream and instantly let go this time. You quickly stepped back so you were next to Kirishima.

"Are you ok?" Kirishima asked, resuming his fighting stance once the villain let you go.

"Yeah I'm fine." You answered, looking at him. You had some blood running down the side of your mouth from biting the villain. He was honestly a little scared of you at that moment.

"YOU'RE GONNA PAY FO-" the villain was cut off by Bakugou launching himself forward and shooting an explosion at his face.

"You villains need to learn how to shut the fuck up." Bakugou said to the villain that was now holding his face. He sent one final attack and the villain fell to the ground, he was only knocked out though. With that, the three of you went off to find your other classmates, but you were really only looking for your brother.

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