Chapter five , I dont mind it.

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"Leilani!" She comes up to to me and hugs my lower waist. "What's your power!" She says super excited. "I think it's called astronkenises". "Woah." "Let's get you to bed little bug." I say. "NOOOOOO" Leilani protests but eventually comes around. I tuck myself in bed. This place is weird.
My alarm sounds , I jolt awake the sun slowly coming in through the window. "Nock nock" I open the door and see my mentor, "I'll get dressed" I say shutting the door in his face. I slide the gray uniform on . Stretching on my way to the door. "Took you long enough." I roll my eyes at his comment. "What's breakfast this morning." I ask. "Banana toast." I frown a bit. "What does my mom think about this?" I say looking at him. "We'll, erm your mom- yeah she uh. She thinks your dead." I blankly stare at him knowing he wasn't lying. "So they, faked my death." I grumble. "Something like that..." god im confused.
"We're going over force fields today." Force field, cool I guess. "In theory you can use your powers to create force fields around things." In theory? " first let's try it on a punching bag. "Whenever you suffocate it keep holding there but tighter." I put my hand down to get ready. He grabs my hand, without warning and fixes the position. The 'stardust' he calls it starts floating up slowly I lift my hand higher encasing the bag. I hold my hand tighter. "No, not like that." Grabbing my hand, AGAIN , he pushes my fingers tighter harder. Ouch . Walking towards the punching bag Elix pushes the field barley puncturing it. My eyes catch a glimpse of someone close to us sparring , they had blonde hair , the same uniform . There partner had red hair and a green uniform, green... I feel my hand be push down. "Distracted maybe?" Oh yeah. "Yeah sorry." What I assume is the lunch bell rings. "See y'a after lunch Alice."

         I sit down with my tray of spaghetti and sit down. I hear a bit of whispering but ignore it. "Hi!" A girl about my height sits down next to me, she had ginger hair and a blue uniform on. I lift my head towards her waving. "Not much of a talker are you?" She laughs sitting next to me. "Mhm, what's your name?" She looks like she has stars in her green eyes. "Myja , I can manipulate water!" She squeals. Pretty name "Alice , I can manipulate stardust." Her eyes open wider the stars getting bigger. The lunch bell rings once again hurting my ears. "We'll bye Alice!" She was quite, I don't wanna say weird but, more like enthusiastic. I start walking over to the training center tired as heck. "You don't seem tired at all." Elix says startling me. "Let's just get this over with" I say.

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