ALEX'S & EVIE'S WEDDING: Wedding Prep Chaos

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Alex and Evie have been planning their wedding for a few months and now they were finally ready to actually have it. They wanted their wedding to be a magical and unforgettable experience for themselves and their loved ones.

"I can't believe this day almost here." Alex mumbled nervously, staring at the suit he would wear.

"Hey, handsome." Evie greeted her fiance with a bright smile, walking into the room where Alex was.

Alex closes the closest that he just hung up his suit in and looks over at Evie. He and Evie were having their wedding at his parent's castle and were staying there before the wedding. Alex and Evie were staying in separate rooms so they didn't see their outfits before the wedding. He smiles softly at the blue-haired girl, his face turning a light shade of pink and butterflies swarming in his stomach. Still after all this time Evie made him flustered. "Hi, gorgeous."

Evie feels the warmth spread throughout her body as she smiles shyly. She stands by him, wrapping her arm around his neck to pull him closer to her. "You ready for this?"

"Absolutely." Alex grins at her, wrapping his arms around her waist. "I can't wait to spend the rest of my life with you." Evie looked at him finely, her heart skipping a beat. When he leaned in and kissed her, she didn't hesitate to kiss him back.


It was two days before the wedding and Alex could feel his anxiety and nerves skyrocket.

Alex was pacing in his room when his best friend walked in. "What's the matter, man?" Corey asks. He chuckles. "You look like you're about to pass out."

"Maybe 'cause I am." Alex admits, running a hand through his disheleved blonde hair. His hair was a mess because of the many times he already ran his hands through it, but the way his hair looked was the least of his worries. "It's just that I want everything to go smoothly and I feel like something is bound to go wrong."

"Hey, don't worry about it." Corey reassures him. He stands in front of Alex, patting his shoulder. "All of us are gonna make sure yours and Evie's wedding is perfect."

Some of Alex's nerves fade upon hearing that and he smiles at his best friend. "Thanks, Cor."

Meanwhile, Evie was panicking since she couldn't find her wedding shoes. "M, I can't get married without shoes!"

Mal rolls her eyes. "Relax, E. I'm sure they're around here somewhere."

As they continued to search for the shoes, Luna was setting up the centerpieces with Doug's help, but Luna was getting frustrated. Each place she put them didn't seem to look right. "Maybe we just shouldn't have centerpieces." She mumbled to herself.

Doug chuckles lightly, placing a kiss on her cheek. "You have a great eye for design, Lu. You'll figure out what to do." Luna relaxed slightly and smiled at him.

As the big day approached, things started to go awry. Their caterer had canceled, the cake they ordered was destroyed in a freak accident, the  florists had delivered the wrong flowers, and the suit Alex had got didn't fit properly. It seemed like everything was falling apart and it was almost as if the wedding was doomed to fail before it even began. The couple started to panic, Alex more than Evie, unsure if they could pull off their dream wedding.

"Guys!" A worried Lonnie ran into the living room the couple and some of her friends were in. "We got some bad news. The caterer cancelled and the cake was destroyed in a freak accident."

"I knew something bad was gonna happen." Alex muttered, his heart sinking upon hearing the bad news and he fidgeted with a ring he wore on his right hand.

"Don't worry, sweetheart." Evie reassures a nervous and anxious Alex as she sits beside him on the couch, wrapping her arm around his shoulders. She smiles at the group of young adults and teens that were in the room. "Everything will be fine. We have our best friends to help us."

"Hey, guys. The florist just called." Audrey speaks up as she walks into the living room where the couple were at. She cringes. "There's been a mix-up with the flowers. They're going to be late."

Alex groans, putting his face in his hands. "This is turning out to be a disaster." Evie smiled sympathetically at him, removing her arm from his shoulders to rub his back to comfort him.

Ben walks over to him, putting a comforting hand on his shoulder with a small smile. "Hey, don't worry about it, Alex. We'll figure something out."

"What if we use the flowers from the garden?" Mal questions. "There's plenty out there that we could use."

"Great idea." Uma smiles. "And we can even use some of the extra flowers from the center pieces."

Fortunately, Alex's and Evie's best friends came to the rescue. Together, they all tackled on the challenges. "Okay, we need to divide and conquer." Ben explained. He then paired everyone up to help out with fixing everything. Mal and Ben started making calls arranging for new caterers with the help of Audrey. Since Phoebe got in the fashion business with Evie, she fixed Alex's suit for him.

Jay, Harry, and Corey took care of the music and entertainment. The Smee Twins, Dizzy, Jane, Celia, and Lonnie got all the decorations set up outside where the couple were going to have the wedding. They even managed to get Chad to help them out with decorating. Uma and Gil went to the florist to sort out the flower arrangements. Since Luna was now a professional chef, she managed to whip up a delicious cake in time, getting some help from Doug.


Two days before the wedding Alex and Evie received a frantic call from Uma. Alex puts Uma on speaker phone so he and Evie could both listen. "What's up, Uma? You're on speaker phone by the way."

"Guys, I need your help." Uma said. "Gil has gone missing."

Alex exchanges a surprised look with Evie and worriedly asks, "What do you mean he's gone missing?"

"He went out for a walk this morning and none of us have seen him." Uma replies, referring to her, Harry, Dizzy, Celia, and the Smee Twins. "We looked everywhere we think he would be, but we couldn't find him. Can you guys come help us look?"

"Of course." Evie replies. "We'll be right there."

They got Mal, Ben, and Jay to help them out and had Uma and the others meet them at Auradon, suggesting to look there since Uma and the others already looked for Gil there and he's not there. They searched throughout the woods, but so far didn't have any luck.

They were about to give up when Harry noticed a piece of torn fabric on a nearby branch. "Guys, this looks like a piece of Gil's shirt."

The group follows the trail of torn fabric deeper into the woods where they eventually found Gil, slumped against a tree, looking dazed. Harry and Uma kneeled beside him.

"You alright, mate?" Harry asked.

"What happened, Gil?" Uma inquired.

"I don't know." Gil murmurs. "I was just walking and then everything went black."

Uma and Harry helped Gil up and then everyone went back to the castle where they got Gil some food and water. Soon enough Gil began to feel better and they all breathed a sigh of relief. Later that day they found out that Gil had accidentally ate some berries that were poisonous which made him pass out. 

A/N part one of alex's & evie's wedding (: this was fun to write!

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