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Later that day, Alex is sitting in chemistry class, writing down the chalkboard and glancing over at Evie every once in awhile

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Later that day, Alex is sitting in chemistry class, writing down the chalkboard and glancing over at Evie every once in awhile. It's not like she would notice him staring since she was too busy staring at Chad.

"You trying to be a creepy creep-creep with all of that staring?" Luna, who sat behind him, whispered.

He glances behind him at her, sending her a small glare and shakes his head. "I'm not staring at her."

Luna looks at him with amusement and nods. "Okay, sure." She muttered and continued writing her notes while Alex turned back to the front.

"Any chance he's in line for the throne?" He looked up from his notebook with curiosity after hearing that. He looked over to his left, where Evie and Doug sat, to see that Evie was looking at Chad with heart eyes. He rolled his eyes and continued copying down the notes.

"Anywhere in line?" Evie asked as she dreamily stared at Chad.

"Chad. Prince Charming Jr. Cinderella's son." Doug told her. She gasped as she looked at him. Alex feared that she was even more interested in Chad than before.

"Chad inherited the charm, but not a lot of there there, know what I mean?" Doug questioned Evie. Alex glanced up from his notebook to see that Evie wasn't even listening to him anymore which made him feel bad for Doug.

"I agree, he's not that smart." Luna spoke to Doug and he sent her a small smile, happy to know someone was listening to him and she smiled back at him.

Alex didn't fail to notice the little interaction between them, and a smirk tugged on his lips when he noticed the light shade of blush on Luna's face when Doug smiled at her. Luna caught him staring at her and when Doug turned back around, she sent a glare to Alex, a signal for him to stay quiet and not mention that she was blushing. Alex just smirked at her and then looked over at Chad, who sat in front of him, and he frowned when he noticed Chad was staring back at Evie.

"Looks like there is there there to me." Evie dreamingly spoke and then giggled.

Alex looks back at his notebook once he notices the teacher walking over to them. "Evie. Perhaps this is just review for you. So, tell me, what is the average atomic weight of silver?"

Alex honestly was curious if Evie knew this as well and as he glanced over at her. The look on her face made him realize she didn't have a clue. "Atomic weight? Uh, well, not very much."

"I mean, it's an atom, right?" Evie laughed nervously and Chad laughed long with her, but Mr. Delay didn't seem so happy with her answer and gestured her to go up to the front.

Evie frowns and for the first time since the night at the museum she looks over at Alex with a hopeful glint in her eyes. He tilted his head to the side, raising his eyebrows at her. He was a bit confused why she was looking at him as if she hoped he would give her the answer. If that was the case then it's not gonna happen. He knows Evie is smart enough to figure it out on her own. 

Evie sighed and looked away when she realized she wasn't going to get any help from Alex. She bent down to her bag to get something out of it. He squinted to try and see what she was grabbing out of her bag, but he couldn't tell what it was because she was already walking up to the front.

Evie takes the chalk from the teacher. "How do I find the average atomic weight of silver?"

She then writes the answer on the board as she says it out loud. Alex glanced down at the notes on his paper seeing if she got it right since he had the answer on his.

"106.905 times .2500 plus 108.905 times .4800 which, Mr. Delay, would give us 107.9 AMU."

Alex's eyes widened as he glanced back and forth from his paper to the board, making sure that was correct. He was shocked that Evie could work it out so quickly and actually got the right answer. No one does that.

Mr. Delay nods. "I forget. Always a mistake to underestimate..."

Evie twirls around, facing Mr. Delay and Alex couldn't help it as he stares at her in awe. "A villain?" She asks, raising her eyebrows. "Don't make it again." She threw the chalk back to Mr. Delay, who catches it. Evie walks back to her seat, and Alex noticed that Chad handed her a folded up piece of paper that he only guessed either had his number on it or a note. He looked over at the note she got and frowned seeing her nod and smile at Chad. Alex rolls his eyes as the two go back to staring at each other all lovey dovey which made him frown.


Alex didn't think his day could get worse, but it did. He and Phoebe were working on math homework out on the bleachers since Alex was honestly awful at math and Phoebe seemed to be amazing at it so he always went to her for help. "So, today I found out who Luna likes." Alex spoke after a moment of comfortable silence.

Phoebe drops her pencil on her notebook, looking at him like she was much more interested in Luna's crush than math. She puts her hands on his shoulder and shakes him. "Ooh, tell me, tell me!" 

Alex chuckles at her antics and puts his hand her arm to get her to stop shaking him. "Okay, okay." Phoebe sheepishly smiles and takes her hand off his shoulder. "It's Doug." Alex tells her. "Luna blushed when he smiled at her today in Chemistry."

Phoebe smiles. "Awe. They'd honestly be so cute together." 

Alex shrugs his shoulders, not really caring about it. "Yeah, I guess."

"Oh!" Phoebe suddenly exclaims, startling Alex since he went back to his homework. Phoebe looks at him with an apologetic expression. "Sorry." She smiles widely. "But I just thought of a great idea to get Luna and Doug together."

"Okay..." Alex slowly said, going back to his homework. "Have fun with that."

Phoebe grins. "Oh, I will." She then went back to working on her homework and a few minutes later she happened to look below her where she noticed two familiar students.

"Oh no." She whispered with a frown on her face and that got his attention.

"Oh no? " Alex looks at her with confusion. "What do you mean 'oh no'? Did you get a wrong answer?"

Phoebe shook her head and pointed at what she was looking at. Alex looked below the bleachers and saw Evie and Chad. He frowned. Is that what that note was? Whatever it was, he didn't like seeing them together.

"I'm sorry." She apologized, knowing that he liked Evie and she could tell that he was heartbroken by the sad puppy dog look on his face that made her heart ache.

Alex sighs sadly and puts his things back in his backpack. "You don't have to apologize for anything. It's not your fault. It's my fault for ever having these stupid feelings." He forces a smile as he looks at her. "Thanks for the help with the homework, though."

She sends him a small smile. "You're welcome. Hang in there." She pats him on the shoulder to comfort him. "I have a feeling that," She takes her hand off his shoulder and points at Evie and Chad. "Won't last long."

Sighing again, Alex stands up while putting his backpack on his shoulders. "That's what I'm hoping for." He mumbled under his breath. After saying goodbye, he walked down the bleachers and back to the dorms.

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