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Soon it was night time and all students are indoors

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Soon it was night time and all students are indoors. Except, Alex.

He was walking back to his dorm from reading in the library when he noticed some shadowy figures sneaking around the museum. Tilting his head to the side in confusion he looks around to make sure no one was watching him and follows the figures to see what they were doing.

Once he was close enough to see who it was his eyes widened and he would've gasped if he didn't want them to know he was there. It honestly didn't surprise him that the four VKs were trying to break into the museum on their first day here. He kind of assumed they would do something like this since, well, they are villain kids, but he was hoping they wouldn't because he thought they could change and be good. Maybe he's wrong.

After Alex realized they were probably trying to steal the wand, he knew he needed to stop them from making a big mistake. The brunette-haired boy hid behind one of the brick railings and watched them try to open the door. Someone must've been walking past the door because the four of them quickly moved to the side as did he so if they happened to look his way he wouldn't be spot.

"That's your mother's spinning wheal?" He heard Jay ask and then he heard Jay and Carlos laugh. He peaked out from his hiding place, seeing the four VKs looking through the glass part of the doors.

"Yeah," Carlos chuckles. "It's kinda dorky."

"It's magic. It doesn't have to...Look scary." By the tone of Mal's voice, he could tell she was annoyed by the boy's laughter. Alex raised his eyebrows as Mal lifted something in front of her he couldn't quite he, but he guessed had something to do with spells because she started saying one.

"Magic spindle, do not linger. Make my victim prick a finger."

After a few moments of silence Jay sarcastically say, "Impressive." Which implied him that the spell didn't work.

"I got chills." Carlos added sarcastically and the two of them shared a laugh.

"Okay, you know what? Prick the finger, prick it deep. Send my enemy off to sleep." Mal quoted another spell.

He figures it worked because Mal then said, "Not so dorky now, huh?"

"It's locked, Purpleette." He muttered under his breath as Mal tried to open the door.

"Stand back." Jay suddenly told them and Alex moved over to the side to make sure Jay wouldn't see him.

Just as Mal said another spell that opened the doors, Jay let out a yell. He ran forward, jumping up with a kick to kick the doors open, but since they were already open, he fell to the floor. He heard the girl's laughter at his failed attempt that only embarrassed himself and his heart skips a beat hearing Evie's. He loved it and it was the most beautiful sound he ever heard.

After making sure they made it all the way in, he went inside after making sure that no one was watching him. He knew where pretty much everything was in the museum, one of the perks of being the King and Queen's son, so he knew where the room holding the magic wand would be.

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