Chapter 1: A New Threat

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It had been years since Sakura had left Rengoku, and she had become a master of magic in her own world. But one day, a strange energy began to emanate from a nearby mountain.

Sakura sensed the power and knew that it was something she had never felt before. She decided to investigate, hoping to find answers to the source of this energy.

As she climbed the mountain, she felt the energy growing stronger and stronger. When she reached the top, she saw a group of people gathered around a strange object.

Sakura approached cautiously, and as she got closer, she realized that the object was a powerful artifact that emanated an immense amount of energy.

Suddenly, the ground beneath her shook, and a massive creature emerged from the ground. It was unlike anything she had ever seen before, with glowing red eyes and razor-sharp claws.

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