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After the battle, Sakura decided to stay in Rengoku and help the Guardians protect the land from future threats. She became a powerful warrior and continued to hone her magical abilities.

Over time, Sakura became known as a hero throughout the land of Rengoku. She and the Guardians continued to battle the forces of darkness, always standing strong against the greatest of odds.

Years passed, and Sakura grew older. She knew that it was time for her to return to her own world, but she couldn't bear to leave her friends behind.

Before she left, Sakura said her goodbyes to the Guardians and promised to return one day. She left Rengoku, but she never forgot the adventures she had and the friends she made there.

Back in her own world, Sakura continued to practice magic, never forgetting the lessons she learned in Rengoku. She often wondered if she would ever be able to return to the magical world she had once called home.

But even if she never returned, Sakura knew that she would always carry the memories of Rengoku with her, and the lessons she learned there would stay with her forever

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