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I slowly opened my eyes hearing someone talking...

"I don't know how this women was there fainted on the river side"said the tall man holding me in bridal style..

"USSR atleast she didn't die cause of this freezing weather for a human like her it's impossible for her to survive in this thin clothes" said the man beside USSR

"Looks like i have to give her some hot clothes so she won't freeze to death in the way "

"And then he put the very big fucking heavy jacket on me "

"But i need to agree it's comfortable"

Time skip

"Are you gonna wake up or not jeez " said ussr

"Did i again fainted while home " thinking y/n

" Since you are woken up tell me your name and why you are here women" said ussr

"Wait a minute you look like a fucking country! What the he-" i said

" Shut up! " He put his big hands on my mouth

"You are in the world of country human, now fucking introduce yourself brat " ussr said

"Look don't call me a brat, i am y/n and i don't know how i ended up here ok " i said

"Then he leaves the room all alone on me which was really weird feeling"

Some time later

"He came with food "

"Look y/n i am USSR and not the only country in this house so i would like you to be introduced "

"Okay, and thanks for the food "

"In this house no one thanks for the food but she did , i have a nice feeling about her " thinking

" Well one more thing y/n you will be sleeping with me "

"Y/n chocked on her food "

" Wtf are you gonna rape me "i said

" Hell no !, it's cause there are no more rooms and U.N decided it "USSR said

"Phew , anyways who is u.n "

"the guy who helped me to save you alive "

"Ok,ok can I have this jacket of yours cause i don't have any clothes, even though it's big on me " i said

"Sure ~;)"

"What type of sure was that, creepy" thinking

Time skip

"Oi let's go introduce you to them "

" Wtf you are so tall " i said

" Now you noticed anyways let's get you there shortie "

At the living room

"Hey short people this is the human i was talking about"USSR said

"Please introduce yourself y/n "

" So i am y/n and i don't know how i got in this world" i said

" Hey Soviet can i add her in my women collection " third Reich said

" Stay your filthy hands away from her or else i will curse your next 7 generation and see them suffer " ussr said

" Whatever you will see " third Reich said

"By the way is she your gf " Japan asked

"are you dumb ,i just saved her, i have told you right? " USSR said

"I am not dumb okay, i just wanted to be sure , cause she was wearing your heavy jacket" Japan said

"It's cause she don't have clothes her clothes were so thin that we can even see her br-" un said

" USSR coverd his mouth "

" Shut up bitch , it's not necessary to tell you Japan " USSR said

"So in whose room will she be staying" India asked

"Well in my room " USSR said

"They all gasped "

"I think it's enough for now guys let's meet in evening " u.n said

Time skip

At USSR room

"Hey USSR do you have a problem with me?" I asked

"Why should I have a problem i have biggest bed in the house" USSR said

"I mean are you okay with a human"

"...... ofcourse i don't judge someone by face " USSR said

" Then please take care of me " i said

"..... okay...." USSR said

"What does she mean by it " thinking

".........Hey y/n stay away from third Reich "

"Why "

" Just stay away "

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Word count 650
6 april 2023

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