Chain Reaction

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        As each day went by, (y/n) found herself reminded of her closest friend Aether. They shared a history together that tracked all the way back to Aether's arrival to Teyvat. She had accidentally found out about that fact, and decided to look out for him ever since.

        He was still a busy individual. Of course, (y/n) had been aware of this long before she knew of his true origins, one beyond the stars. Aether just happened to also be well acquainted with numerous individuals across Teyvat that tugged his emotions in nearly every direction. Sometimes intentionally and other times not. He easily went out of his way to help them if he could, and most times he was more than qualified to do so.

        (Y/n) didn't mind it when he assisted his friends in need, but she had carefully held on to his fragile heart to safeguard it from breaking. While she trusted his decision making, he often times threw himself into situations that could be emotionally draining for himself. That's why, whenever he was around, (y/n) tried to make sure that he was okay both mentally and emotionally. Perhaps it had been her frequent checkups that led to his showers of affection.

        She found Aether's unconscious little gestures towards her to be adorable. He'd bring her different types of flowers or take her to new places where he discovered breathtaking views. When he was upset, he'd ask her for time alone and return to talk about how he felt after he had cooled down. Any time Aether was excited about something, he couldn't stop smiling at her. Sometimes (y/n) even caught his braid swaying from the way he would gently sway from side to side as he spoke.

        It was all of these things that had her looking forward to seeing him again today. He had gone off to assist yet another person in need. According to him, it was supposed to be a complex task that he could probably do with ease.

        "Oh!" (Y/n) froze at the door as she opened it. Aether was already standing there with his hand already outstretched towards the door as well. "You scared me. I didn't know you were back already." Aether merely lowered his hand, took a few steps forward, and hugged her. It frightened (y/n) even more, making her afraid to even move. "Aether...?"

        "I appreciate you so much. You're the best person in the world. I'm so sorry I don't tell you that enough. I'm proud of you," he said. The random praises caught her off guard.

        "Did something happen? Are you okay?"

        Aether finally let her go. "I'm alright, just tired. And there's something I want to talk to you about."

        Concerned for his well-being, (y/n) let the tired traveler into her home and let him find a comfortable spot in any place he chose. She sat across from him with an uncomfortable anticipation building within her.

        "Is this about the thing you went to take care of?"

        Aether shook his head. "It's related, but not enough to really talk about." His gaze shifted to the floor. "When I went to help the Yashirou Commission, Ayato asked me if I was interested in his sister. Apparently, I'd given him the wrong impression, but he pointed out that I had been spending a lot of time with her lately."

        "Well that's not what I was expecting," (y/n) thought. She was certain that the Abyss had played more mind tricks on him again.

        "When I insisted that it wasn't how it seemed, Ayato told me that a person's actions speak more than their words do. He believed me, but I got me thinking about what you told me before."

        "Huh? What did I say?" She totally didn't forget. Nope. Definitely not.

        Aether briefly smiled at her obvious confusion. "You told me to be mindful of things when I go out and help people. You almost gave me a lecture about it after I almost got hurt once."

        (Y/n) recalled the incident where he had injured his shoulder while escaping a group of thieves disguised as lost travelers. "You did get hurt," she reminded him.

        "Hm?" Now he was the one forgetting. "Well, that's not the point. I said all of that to tell you that I thought about what Ayato told me. He was right." (Y/n) tilted her head to the side, still not quite understanding where he was going with all of this. Aether caught on to her lack of understanding and sighed. "I..."

        Aether rose a hand up to cover his face as he looked away from her yet again. Between his fingers and hair, (y/n) could see his cheeks turning color.

        "Oh. Wait is that what he means??" she was starting to realize.

        "You're the person I'm interested in, (y/n)..." Aether quietly spoke. "It's a little frustrating that it took a misunderstanding between me and Ayato to realize it."

        A very awkward silence settled into the room with them. It practically screamed at one of them to say something, anything really. Aether was out of words, and (y/n) was still processing how she should even reply to his confession.

        "You probably think I'm crazy now," Aether mumbled, still refusing to make eye contact with her.

        "No! Of course not! Wait no, I meant to say yes. Not to that part though! You're not crazy, not at all," (y/n) blurted out. Her brain was effectively broken. Just when she thought things would get worse, she heard Aether beginning to laugh. It made her feel a little better about the blunder, and she ended up joining him. The two of them together simply giggled the awkwardness away.

        "Sorry to just drop that on you like that," Aether said as he calmed down. "I didn't know how to explain it, and I couldn't stop thinking about it."

        (Y/n) hummed. "So that's why you said those things at the door." Almost immediately, Aether shook his head in denial.

        "No, I was going to do that anyway," he admitted. "I want you to know that you are appreciated. I was just exhausted from dealing with rogue samurai all day, and then Ayato asked me that question. It really made me want to come here to see you." Aether smiled to himself. "You're always here for me, you know."

        "And I'll continue to be." She held her arms out to him. "Do you want another hug?"

        "Yes, please." He didn't hesitate to take up the offer. When he did, there was one more thing he had left to say. "I'm always helping others, but when's the last time I helped you?"

        "Me?" She didn't want to tell him that his help wasn't needed, so she came up with a quick idea. "I've been wanting to see a nice view from somewhere lately. If you could find one that you enjoy and take me there, that would help out a lot."

        "Of course, consider it already done. I know the perfect place to take you."

That one was kind of unorganized in my opinion, but I hope it was at least enjoyable. Until next time you spectacular readers!


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