Light of Mine

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        Although he had long since gotten used to camping, Aether always appreciated a soft place to rest his head. The only problem with that was how much he would miss the stars whenever he slept somewhere indoors. Some people found it odd for him to do so, but (y/n) understood. It was in the heart of every adventurer to take in the beauty of the world around them, whether it was their intention or not. Aether just had a more obvious attraction to the sky as if he were looking for something in it that others couldn't see.

        (Y/n) had the honor of knowing such a legendary hero for about a year now. She knew it was only a matter of time before he took an extensive trip to another region. There had already been a few times when he would go on week long trips to assist in other places.

        "Aether," she tried to grab his attention. He slowly took his gaze off the skies above him and turned to acknowledge her call with a smile. She could never get enough of his purity. It was almost unreal how sweet he was. "Paimon's already asleep. I was just making sure you were alright." The duo decided to take (y/n) up on her offer to allow them to stay in her home for the night. She had insisted, and Aether knew she wouldn't have taken no for an answer.

        "Hm? Yeah, I'm okay." His face flushed as he looked away from her curious stare. "I was just...looking at the moon," he mumbled.

        "Oh? The moon?" The surprise she felt must have shown a bit too much because Aether gave an awkward laugh.

        "Yeah, it's always the same moon every time I see it." She looked at him in confusion, yet he didn't try to explain what he meant by that. "I didn't realize it had gotten so late though," Aether quickly changed the subject. He got up from the ground and stretched letting out a short yawn in the process.

        "Wait!" She just had to tell him. If she didn't say anything before he left tomorrow morning, (y/n) knew she would regret it. "If you don't mind..." she trailed off, unsure of what to even ask. Aether began to tense up and his eyes landed on her in heavy concern.

        "What's wrong?" He quickly made his way to her side and placed a hand on her shoulder. "Hey, don't cry. Whatever it is, I'll help. I'm more than qualified, you know? Don't hesitate to ask," he assured her. He was like this with everyone. (Y/n) knew he would help anyone who asked for his help.

        "I don't want you to go, but I know that you have to." Archons forgive her for wanting to be selfish, but if she didn't take the chance, surely someone else would. Then what was she supposed to do?

        Aether snapped her from her thoughts by taking hold of her other shoulder as well. "Look at me," he softly spoke. "Even if I do go, no matter how far it may be, I will come back."

        "I know that, but that's not why I-" she stopped herself. Would she admit her thoughts out in the open to him like that? He had probably heard countless others say the same thing to him, right? "I really like you, Aether. If I had the money and proper circumstances to travel, I'd go with you." She decided to go ahead and be bold about it. This was probably her last chance anyway. "You're a really amazing person, and I want you to know that."

        Aether was silent for a moment, which worried her more than the thought of him leaving. He slipped his hands from her shoulders to pull her into a hug. "In all my travels, no one has ever asked me that. I honestly thought you had no interest and were just being kind to me because of who I am. It even crossed my mind that you might just be trying to repay me for the things I've done without anyone asking." Aether laughed to himself. "I'm so sorry. That wasn't fair of me." (Y/n) returned his embrace noticing that he was relieved rather than trying to console her. Half of her was expecting a rejection. "I'll come back every chance I get, I promise. Just for you, and only you. So stay here where you are safe because if anything happened to you during our travels, I would never be able to forgive myself."

        They remained still with one another as the moon continued to give its light. It almost seemed like a dream to (y/n). "You stay safe out there too, Aether." This was an outcome that she was okay with. Aether had to find his lost sibling. That was something (y/n) wouldn't stop him from doing. She was just glad that her sentiments had been returned in full.

        "Do you want to watch the sky with me for just a moment longer?" Aether asked her. He reluctantly let her go but gently took hold of her hand. (Y/n) simply nodded which was all the confirmation Aether needed. They sat back down and he began to open up to her about his thoughts on the stars and how they were different than what he was used to. Although he left out some details saying that he would explain them to her later, she enjoyed every moment they spent under the night sky.

        "Whoa, be careful there." (Y/n) stopped Aether's fall. He had begun to nod off, literally fighting sleep just to continue speaking with her. She had already noticed that he had passed his limit long ago. "Get some rest. Travelers shouldn't skip out on a good night's sleep when they can get one."

        Aether didn't even protest as she guided him back indoors, but it was clear that he was exhausted. (Y/n) had no idea what kind of commission he had done earlier that day, but regardless of it, Aether had fought to stay awake with her. Surely that deserved some type of reward. She guided him to where he would be sleeping for that night wondering what she could possibly do for him.

        "Thank you," he spoke once he was within reach of the bed. Just before she left his side, she placed a small kiss on his cheek that had his eyes temporarily wide open. If he weren't already so tired, he would have likely been wide awake after the action. Instead, Aether pulled her back to him to return the gesture. "Good night," he whispered.

        And sure enough, Aether did end up leaving the region the next morning, but from that day, he always returned seeking a certain individual named (y/n).

Until next time you epic readers!

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