Chapter 30: Stagiaire

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Since I didn't get to have my stagiaire last school year, my father had requested to the headmaster to let me have it this year.

Since the headmaster agreed to my father's request, my brother explained to me what to do, what not to do, and even the purposes of the stagiaire.

Today is the day I will be leaving for the stagiaire.

"Have you packed your knife's case? Your clothes? You musn't pack white ones!" My brother rambled while going back and forth to add food in my already full luggage.

I rolled my eyes. "Ni-ssan? What are you doing? Why're you putting canned soup and meat into my luggage? I can cook, you know?"

"Yes! But you'll be too busy to actually cook your own food and seriously, why did dad request for you to attend the stagiaire? Is he trying to get you eliminated or-"

I chuckled. "The school isn't trying to starve me. I'm sure the leftovers won't taste bad." My brother's eyes went horrified from the word leftovers and I couldn't help but raise a brow at him. "And surely, he doesn't want me to be. Why would dad want me to be eliminated? He just wants me to get more experience. He trusts me enough to know I won't fail." Does he?

Hiroto sighed and hugged me. "I'm just worried. You're usually very pampered and you're not used to not having someone help you."

"That's why this is the chance for me to get used to it. It'll be fine. Don't you trust me?"

My brother released me from our hug and smiled. "Of course I trust you. If I didn't trust you, why on Earth would I let you join the stagiaire?"


I was dropped off at the first place I'd be doing my stagiaire. The stagiaire consists of four weeks of consecutive training, training where at the same time I will have to make an unforgettable and long lasting impact on the restaurant.

Two weeks each for two restaurants.

In front of me is a diner. Its interior design is blinding my eyes and the food's awful smell is surrounding the area and the most depressing part, there's almost no customers inside.

I sighed. Looks like there's so much to fix with this place.

I heard footsteps behind me and I turned around to see Hayama-kun wearing a backpack. He must be my partner for this part of the stagiaire.

"Ohayo, Hayama-kun."

His forehead creased while he looked at me up and down. "What are you doing here, senpai?"

I pointed to the shabby looking restaurant. "I'll be with you in helping that restaurant, assuming that's where you're going to. It's also my stagiaire."

His mouth formed an o and I smiled at him, eyes closed. I pulled his arm and dragged him towards the restaurant.

When we reached the door, I knocked on it and then turned my head to Hayama-kun. "Take care of me during this stagiaire, okay? I'll be taking care of you too."

"Uh, sure." The door opened and I stepped in with him, ready to face the challenge that we were given.


The challenge to fix the restaurant is real, very real. When we arrived inside of the kitchen, it was messy and the helpers clearly didn't know what to do. It's like they were just thrown in there without thinking.

"This is going to be a lot of work," I mumbled.

"Let’s start fixing things," Hayama-kun said. I nodded my head, having no idea where to start.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 16, 2023 ⏰

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