Chapter 2: Entrance Exams

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Finally, we have arrived. We went first to the dorms. It wasn't anything grand but it wasn't bad either. It had a small kitchen which is just beside the living room.

There are two bedrooms, one bathroom, and a laundry room. Frankly, it looks like a small house.

"Not bad," I muttered laying down my bag on the couch after I sitted myself.

In the living room was a medium sized TV, a couch, a beanbag chair, and a wooden chair plus a small coffee table made of glass.

"Yeah. It's good enough for us. It's more convenient too since it's nearer the school." Hiroto put my other bags down and stood in front of me.

He lended out his hand. "You ready? Sorry it's today already. I've already bought ingredients you can use."

I sighed. I took his hand and stood up before grinning at him.

"It's fine. Let's go."


The day I arrived in Japan is also the day of my entrance exams. I've already passed the written exam back at home through online. Now, I just have to take my practical exams.

"You're lucky Erina-sama's only judging the first years," my brother said.

"The God tounge?" I turned my head to Hiroto and tilted it.

"Yeah. I mean sure you have the skills to get accepted by her but it's better if you're on the safe side. She's very strict."

"Strict? You sure the word isn't brat?" I chuckled and covered my mouth.

Hiroto opened the steel doors to my exam room and I was brought into a grand kitchen full of modern equipments, utensils, and ingredients for cooking.

"Don't say that in front of anyone. You don't wanna fail before you actually get accepted here!" He scolded and flicked my forehead.

"Yeah, yeah. I'll ace this. Besides, don't flick my forehead. I'm getting Itachi vibes from you and I don't think that would be good no matter how cool he is," I replied, joking in the end.

My brother and I looked at each other before laughing.

"Ehem!" I turned my head the same time my brother did to the person who gained our attention.

"Ahh, this is the judge for your practical exams, imouto. Saitō-san, this is my sister that you'll be judging today, Moretti Caterina."

I bowed my head before speaking. "It's nice to meet you."

"I'm Saitō Somei! I'll be your judge today. Impress me!" He bowed his head too and smiled.

"Well, I've got to go. I just got a text from Rindou-sama that she wants to have an unofficial shokugeki with me," my brother informed us right after putting his phone away.

He turned to Saitō-san and bowed his head. "I'll get going. Please take care of my sister."

"Sure. Be careful on your way out," Saitō-san replied.

Hiroto left, leaving just me and the judge.


"You've got two hours! Begin!" Saitō-san started the timer after I put on my apron.

After looking at the ingredients, I've decided what to cook.

I removed tough outer layers and fronds from fennel bulbs and discarded it. Then, working one at a time, I cut bulbs lengthwise through the root ends into quarters, removed cores, and sliced quarters lengthwise into ½ thick wedges.

Kitchen Encounter (Tsukasa Eishi x OC)Where stories live. Discover now