Chapter 20: You're More Than Enough

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Tsukasa's POV

I put my pen down and massaged my temples as I again remember the stunt I pulled before the third round of the Spring Elections.


"Ohayo, senpai. I see you're here. Are you here as a proctor or as the supporter of Fukuda-kun?"

Fukuda-kun? The boy I support? What about him?

"A-about that, I'm sorry I wasn't able to support you. There were some problems at the council...but I-I really wanted to support you!"

"Tsukasa-senpai! As much as I'm grateful that you support me, please support Fukuda-kun! He worked hard to be here so if you say such things to make me feel better I'll feel guilty and sad for my friend."

She's defending him? Come again? They're friends? Since when?

A familiar loathsome bitterness formed in my stomach. It's happening again.

"Friend? When did you become friends?"

"Well...I became friends with him and Akashi-kun yesterday. We overcame the hunting obstacle all together yesterday," Morreti-san explained. "Are you alright, senpai? You look off today."

"H-huh? What are you talking about? I'm completely fine. May be just a little tired from the work in the council but I'm fine," I lied.

"Really? There's something really different from you today. But none the matter! If you're really busy, after the competition, I'll come by and help you," She offered.

The offer she gave me calmed me down. The feeling I hate that started to form subsided and since I want to spend more time with her, I agreed. But why exactly do I want to spend time with her? I'm unsure.

But just as I thought the feeling already subsided, a few words left my mouth, without much thought.

"It's not good to have friends in a battle. It'll do you good to stay on track and focus on yourself. But hey, you know what they say. Keep your friends close and your enemies closer."

Why did I say that? I don't mean that. I should never try to manipulate her or ruin her friends to her. I'm such an awful person.

Luckily, she wasn't affected by what I said. I have to learn to control my emotions.

In order to satisfy my guilt, I sent new ingredients to Fukuda-san and Akashi-san. That should do it, for now.

I snapped out from my flashback when I heard a knock behind the huge double doors to enter the council room.

"Come in."

Morreti-san entered the room and graced me with her presence making me smile.

"Good morning, Tsukasa-senpai. I'm here to help you with some paperworks."

I nodded my head and pointed to the stack of paperworks. "Over there. Take as many as you can do, please."

She walked over to the paperworks and I continued to watch her before going back to signing some paperworks.

"You're very busy, huh? Should we cancel the date tomorrow? I suggested it to be tomorrow so we can both rest but it seems like you're unable to," she said which led me to raise my head to look at her, her cheeks shaded in pink.

I lightly laughed. "It's fine. I'm the one who asked you out. I already made free time for tomorrow."

"You're the one who asked yet I decided the date and time? Kinda weird, don't you think?" She giggled then sat down at the chair beside my table and started to do her share of paperworks she took.

"A little but I think it isn't that rare," I replied, incredulous.

Silence filled the air as we both did our own paperworks. The still and quiet atmosphere calm and comfortable despite the defeaning  silence.

"Tsukasa-senpai?" I looked up at my young undeclassman.

"Do you think I lack skills or passion for cooking?" She asked out of nowhere.

I stared at her, confused. "What do you mean?"

"No, nevermind."

"It's obviously not something to not mind because you look bothered about it. Explain and I'll do my best to answer you."

She smiled gently before explaining how Sōe-san told her that she could've won the Spring elections if only she had more passion and created her "specialty."

I sighed. "To be honest, I don't know much about passion for cooking. I don't know how it could possibly alter how your dish tastes. But, your skills?" I shook my head. "They're admirable and spectacular. You have a lot of potential to become a better chef. That's why I always wonder why you say that you dislike cooking."

She removed her gaze from me and looked at her front. "I'm not good enough."

"Huh? What do you mean?" I inquired, more perplex with her words than the situation.

"Let’s go back to work, senpai." But before she could begin to do the paperworks again I grabbed her hand and penetrated my blue orbs with her golden ones.

"I have no idea what's going on. But I do know that you're more than enough than what you say. You're a talented chef and your skills outweigh the others. Never let anyone believe otherwise nor let them tell you such appaling things."

Her eyes glinted with joy as she gaped at me and I smiled to bring her more comfort.

"Thank you, senpai. That means a lot to me," she finally responded after a few seconds.

I felt her hand squeeze mine and I blushed and slowly retrieved my hand back.

"I'm glad. Continue cooking, Moretti-san. Please, continue cooking."

I didn't hear another word from her but her silence satisfied my request so I simply came back to work.

You're more than enough. You're the chef I want to be my side.

Kitchen Encounter (Tsukasa Eishi x OC)Where stories live. Discover now