Part 14

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The next morning you wake up and see that Alessia isn't next to you. You hear a noise come from the bathroom you run in there to see alessia throwing up blood, oh baby its ok *you rub her back* SAMMY ELLIE GEORGIA COME HERE AND QUICK . as you say that alessia passes out in your arms.sammy runs in while calling an ambulance 

*the call* emergency operator = ep

eo- 999 whats your emergency and is the patient breathing 

sam k - hi my friend has just been vomiting blood and just passed out but yes she is breathing.

eo- ok and is your friend on drugs 

sam k - no she's a professional footballer we get tested 

eo- ok we have an ambulance on the way is she still breathing 

sam k - yes she is but she's very pale and cold

eo- ok this is going to sound weird but you need to have someone hold her and get a blanket but make sure its over only he feet.

sam k - ok i have done that... wait her breathing gone really quick 

eo- ok is her partner or someone she is close with around 

sam k - yes her girlfriend is holding her 

eo-ok tell them to give he a 10 second long held kiss and that should help slow her breathing down

samk - ok..... it worked oh the ambulance is here now 

eo-ok ill leave you with them 

*end of call * * alessia is taken to the hospital * 

in the waiting room 

alessia got taken to the hospital where they found out that on our night out before she had been spiked. 

doctors pov 

so as you know alessia was spiked and these are just few after affects so we will keep her in for a few hours to make sure nothing further happens but while im here shes asking for a miss young so if you would like to follow me back ill show you too her room.

jesses pov 

i walk into the room and see her just lying there in this moment im feeling so many different emotions its crazy i dont know what to do i was to scream and shout and cry but i k now i have to stay strong for her. i walk over to her bedside and grab her hand i feel the tears start streaming down my face but then i hear a faint jess, i let out a breath i didn't realise i was holding in. yes baby im here and im not going anywhere 

* the next day * 

your both back at sgp 

alessias pov 

jess i have something to tell you. do you remember a few night after we made it official i went out with toone and lj well toone just send me this *its a video of less kissing a random girl n* jess babe say something 

jesses pov 

i cant move or speak im just stood there in shock * jess babe say something * is all i hear i-i don't know what to say why would you do that. is all i manage to get out. i-i need to leave . where are you going, im going out and don't even think about following me. * you leave and walk to Ellie and georgias room *

ellies pov 

ellie someone's at the door Georgia shouts. i open it to see my bestfriend standing there crying her eyes out jess bab what's happened. its less she- she cheated on me and she decided to show me the video. she didn't even say sorry. oh girly im so sorry g babe put the kettle on we need a girl talk and quickly. your ok now jess me and g have you now shes not worth it, tell us what happened. georgia then walks in with all your teas. *you start telling them * so basically we got back from the hospital and we went to bed i woke up this morning and she told me she had somthing to tell me then showed me that video of her kissing a random girl. well she doesnt deserve you does she g. no she doesnt your way too good for her. e                                                                                                                                                                                                                  

time skip to after the meeting because im lazy 

now i have a surprise for our super jess young can you come stand next to me and face the wall. please welcome your new team member for the 2022 womens euros jessica park. wait no way all the girls look at you so confused while you run and hug jess (jess or j - jessica park ) ( jessie or young - jess young ) for thoes that dont know jess she is my half sister my dad is both our biological dad but we have diffrent mums and we never stayed in touch because her mum took her away and so this is the first time i have seen her in about 15 years. 

all the girls welcome her and she gets roomed with you because sarina wants you two to build a bond but there are other room changes and you are all now in rooms of four and five so your now in a room with;

Georgia Stanway

Jessica Young 

Ellie Roebuck 

Jess Park 

*you can use your imagination for the rest * 

a/n i think this is the longest part yet so i hope you enjoy there might just be another part out tonight or tomorrow :)

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