pt 4

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well that was a weird but good convocation I just left mine and Ellies room to go see Georgia and talk to her about Ellie I get to her room and knock on the door, Leah answers oh hey Leah I didn't know you shared a room with Georgia. oh jess hey yeah I do she's just in the shower at the moment is there a message I can pass on. just as Leah says that Georgia comes round the corner jess what are you doing here, oh I was just wondering f I could talk to you but if not its ok. yeah sure is here ok or do you want to go somewhere more private. sorry Leah, is it ok if we go somewhere more private its quite important, yeah of course let me just put my sliders on.

she puts her sliders on and you  guys walk to a chill room in the basement because no-one ever goes there when you get there you sit on a bean bag and so does Georgia. so what did you want to talk to me about. umm so you know our Ellie well she's got a crush on this girl you know very well and she doesn't know how to tell her. Who is it jess just get to the point the suspense's killing me. well g its you that she likes and don't freak out or anything cause she's really nervous so please just go talk to her she's feeling really overwhelmed. hey its all good ill let you in on a secret i like her too, wait really. uh yeah what isn't there to like about her she's pretty and really skilled.

Ellie and Alessia's pov 

i just finished my chat with jess and she was very supportive that's why she's my best friend anyway we made an agreement that she would talk to g and i would talk to less so thats what im doing im heading to tooney and lessis room there on the third floor im on the 2nd so a short trip up the stairs later i have arrived i knock on the door and less answers ah less just the girl i was talking to can we go for a chat please. yeah sure el let me just tell tooney so she dont think i have gone missing haha. yeah we all know what shes like, less tells ella she going and will be back soon they both walk down to a meeting room so less i heard you and jess exchanged feelingsi just wanteds to let you know you make her really happy like i havent seen her this happy since her ex and her happiness then didnt lastlong but i will let her speak toyou about that when she feel comfortable please look after her i can tsee her broken again thank you for making her her happy agin for me ,yeah i do really like jess like she makes me the happiest girelalive and lets not forget how fit she is like ive seen her play when i have played against her and good god shes a reslly good player too so you dont hae to worry about me not treating her right iwill treat her like a princess i promice you 

a/n here we go confession time what will happen with jess and less

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