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It has been three days since Nihil issued her warning, which means the day after tomorrow is when Gaia will show up.

No amount of training or preparation could make them prepare to face Gaia again. It's been hard enough when Gaia had a legion of Giants and hordes of monsters at her side.

Now, she's almost in her ultimate form. She has the body of a goddess to host her, which means all her powers are easily accessible without having the risk of her body disintegrating.

Also, she has the relics which she can absorb to increase her powers.

Gaia was in the middle of turning into the ultimate being compressed into a human form.

That is unless Percy had anything to say about it.

Which he did, in the form of Nihil's Flames that has the power to destroy the universe.

Camp Half-Blood is in full war mode. Everyone was preparing and getting ready. They're training, setting up traps, building defences, everything. They didn't know if Gaia would show up by herself or with backup. Either way, it's good to be prepared.

All of his friends, including Percy himself, was in war mode as well. They were sparring and training non-stop.

But if Percy was to be honest, there was nothing else they could've done. They've prepared what they could. Now, it's only a matter of waiting for Gaia to show up. The anticipation was making Percy anxious and distracted.

Distracted enough to get whacked in the head by the butt of Thalia's spear. Percy fell down with a grunt.

"What's wrong with you?" Thalia asked, clearly unimpressed. "It's like you're not even here."

"Sorry." Percy said. "I'm a bit distracted currently."

"We all are. Why do you think we're training?" Thalia asked. "Just hope you don't get distracted during the real battle."

Her comment made Percy's eye twitch. "I never get distracted in a fight."

"Could've fooled me." Thalia shrugged. "Why don't you take a walk before we continue sparring."

"I'm fine."

"No you're not. Go to the beach for about five minutes or something. Get some seaweed in your brain." Thalia insisted.

Percy knew there was no changing her mind, so he groaned as he go and get some air.

At the beach, things seemed quieter. He could barely hear the sound of metal clanging in the arena. All he heard clearly was the sound of the water crashing lightly against the sand.

He really did needed some air. Being distracted wasn't helping him in anyway. As he sat down, he heard Artemis' voice again.

How are you, Perseus?

"I should ask you that question, considering Gaia now has your body." Percy said.

It's a little annoying and inconvenient. She's lucky she's stronger than me.

"What'll happen if we accidentally disintegrate your body?" Percy asked. "Will you disappear?"

It's fine. Artemis assured him. Gods don't die. Even if my body disappears, my conciousness still exists. That way, I can just create a different physical form.

"Good. Then I won't hold back when I rip Gaia apart."

Artemis was silent for a while before she spoke again. She's strong, Percy. You need to be careful.

"Tell me something I don't know." Percy muttered.

The good thing is you'll fight her in her physical form, so you don't have to worry about a gigantic primordial squishing the island with a press of her thumb. Artemis said. But that doesn't change the fact that she's still very powerful and could manipulate the earth to her advantage.

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