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When Lucia frantically looked for Rachel, she was curious. Then when she mentioned Percy was in trouble, she panicked.

That's how she and Lucia ended up on her dad's company helicopter over the city of New York.

"How do we find him?" Rachel asked through the helicopter's headset.

"I have no idea." Lucia replied. "Nihil said we'll know when we get there."

Rachel cursed under her breath. There was nothing any of them could do really other than wait as the helicopter reached New York.

It took a few minutes but eventually, they got within the city and Nihil was right. They did know how to find Percy.

Just follow the swirling mass of dark clouds and red lightning centered on top of a building.

"Can you land there?" Rachel asked the pilot.

"Negative." The pilot said. "We'll be blown to bits by lightning."

Rachel groaned. If Nihil wanted them to meet Percy, she could've at least made it easy. "Land somewhere nearby. We'll go on foot."

The pilot nodded. The pilot landed on another building nearby and Rachel and Lucia rushed over to their intended building.

Inside, people were in panic. Rachel didn't know what they saw through the Mist, but they must've thought that a freak weather storm was happening and was evacuating the building, which made it easier for Rachel and Lucia to pass through. They took the elevator and went straight to the roof.

Rachel bust the door open to find Percy laying limp on the floor and a girl that was dreased like she was an old-timey cartoon character. Rachel assumed she was Nihil.

"Ah, here you are. Just in time." Nihil grinned.

"You idiot!" Rachel shouted as she went to the help of her friend before Nihil stopped her.

"Oh, I wouldn't do that if I were you." Nihil warned. "His body is still overflowing with my powers. If you touch him, you'll explode and I'd hate to clean up that mess."

To be honest, Rachel couldn't care less about what Nihil was saying. But on the off chance that she's serious, Rachel didn't want to let Lucia see her die. So she stayed back.

"Let my powers settle in first." Nihil said. "Then it'll be fine."

"Who are you?" Rachel asked.

"I'm Chaos." Nihil said cheerfully as if this was a normal thing. "Or Nihil. Whichever suits your need."

"Why are you here? Why is Percy dying?" Rachel asked.

"One at a time, now." Nihil snapped her fingers and the environment twisted and warped into a different one. They were now in an empty Starbucks, sitting on cushioned seats.

Lucia was sitting next to Rachel. Nihil sat across in front of them while Percy was limp on another seat next to them.

On the coffee table in front of them were Starbucks cups, each with their name on it. "Do you want decaf or no?" Nihil asked.

Rachel was on the edge of losing her mind. One of her friend is dying next to them and this deity in front of her is acting like everything's a joke. In fact, she had half a mind of unleashing whatever was in her cup onto Nihil's face.

"I'd prefer it if you don't." Nihil said as she sipped her drink. "And relax. Percy won't die."

Rachel found that hard to believe considering that Percy was literally smoking. His body had started to steam, as if he'd just come out of sauna.

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