★chapter 6

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Raie felt her heart sink as she watched Mindy get taken away by the paramedics, feeling the sadness quickly turn to frustration. However, it wasn't directed towards Ethan; it was at herself. She couldn't help but feel like she was partly to blame for Mindy's injuries and state of being.

How could she possibly still love him after all the harm he had inflicted? But no matter how much pain he caused her, she still found herself caring deeply for him. 

Something inside of her said that he was hurting and that he desperately needed help. The look in his eyes when they interacted was a reflection of this despair, and it tore at her heart. She wanted to reach out and save him from himself.

She stood abruptly and raced towards the derelict theatre, determined to find a solution to save her friends and him. Her heart raced with determination, but she also had a deep sense of fear that perhaps it would be too late by the time she arrived.

Raie pulled on the heavy, locked front doors with a long sigh, deep in thought. She had no idea what she was going to do now. She turned around and scanned the area for an alternate entrance, her gaze coming to settle on a side door off to the left. 

Raie held her breath and gave the handle a slight tug - it opened! Taking care not to make any sound, she slipped inside and closed it behind her as silently as possible.

Her eyes widened as she took in the sight of Quinn dressed in a ghostface costume. 'That backstabbing bitch' was all Raie could think. She slowly made her way down to where Tara and Sam were standing. 

But before she could make it there, an unseen force pulled her back and she found herself hidden behind a wall, unable to move or speak out.

She tried to scream out, but her sound was muffled by a large hand that was clamped firmly over her mouth. With trembling eyes, she looked up to the figure standing before her and saw a white ghostface mask. 

Although fear made it hard for her to move, carefully she pried off the frightening mask and found herself looking into familiar chocolate brown eyes - they belonged to none other than Ethan. Her body softened in relief as she realized that it was him in front of her.

"Raie, no. Please go home," he begged her.

 She shook her head gently and ran her fingertips over his cheekbone, the sorrow in her expression palpable. His body involuntarily leaned into the contact of her touch and a single tear rolled down his face. No matter how hard he pleaded, she could not bring herself to leave him here alone.

"Just tell me you didn't love me, tell me it was all a lie and I'll walk away." Ethan gently wiped away the tears that were streaming down her face with his thumb, never allowing his hand to leave her skin. He felt a quivering in his heart as he saw the sadness in her eyes.

"I can't say that." Raie gently smiled at him and their lips connected in a tender embrace. 

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