★chapter 3

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Raie stirred awake, feeling a comforting warmth next to her. She turned to look over and noticed the peaceful beauty of the boy she was snuggling up to.

 His gentle breaths were like a calming melody as they dropped off in time with her own heart beat. She was happy that she had been blessed with such a special person by her side, and thankful for each second that was spent together in harmony.

She carefully disengaged herself from his large, muscular arms, intent on not disturbing him in his sleep. She rose and stumbled toward the bathroom, switching on the faucet as she arrived there. 

The flowing water provided a soothing background noise that filled her ears as she leaned over the sink to splash cold water onto her face. Her own reflection staring back at her made her realise why she had woken up so early; with a deep breath she turned away from it and sighed deeply.

Raie slowly and carefully removed her clothing, tossing it to the side before she stepped into the steamingly hot water. Even though it hurt, burning her skin delicately across all of her curves, she welcomed the sensation. 

The searing heat emanating from the shower was a feeling she embraced; as if it were burning away any sadness or anger that had been lingering within her heart. Her mind felt calmer and clearer with every passing second and soon enough all of her problems seemed to fall.

The shower was her own sanctuary, a place of solace and safety. The warm droplets cascading over her pale skin, the aroma of lavender and chamomile emanating from the shampoo and conditioner she used to lather her head. 

She allowed herself to simply exist in this moment - no expectations, no pressures - just blissful reprieve from the tumultuous outside world. She washed away all of her thoughts, worries and stress until she felt cleansed within soul and body.

As she stepped out of the shower, steam rising around her and a towel wrapped snugly around her body, she looked at herself in the mirror. Her eyes were slightly red and puffy; evidence of the tears she had allowed herself to shed last night. 

She could feel a deep sorrow emanating from them, heavy in her chest like an anchor which was impossible to shake off. Despite this overwhelming sadness that weighed on her shoulders like an uninvited guest, she also felt more empowered than ever before.

'He's back, he's back,' she thought to herself as her breathing slowly returned to normal. After allowing these words to resonate in her mind for a few moments, she finally forced herself to stand up and make her way out of the bathroom. 

She had spent far too long in there already, trying desperately not to think about what had just happened. But the truth was that he was here - she could hear his voice when she closed her eyes.

Taking notice of Ethan who was still in a deep slumber on her bed, she couldn't help but give him a small smile of affection before transitioning into getting ready for the day.

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