Thanks, DigiCards!/DigiMemory Shines

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On the island, the Fusion Fighters eventually learn of Archelomon's capture and Mikey resolves to rescue him. They then notice several Flymon carrying food, hiding dynamite, without noticing, and about to drop them. "What are those?" Angie ask. "Those are Flymon and they bought Digibytes." Shoutmon drools. "But why would they bring food?" Jeremy ask. The island starts to rise as a large whale-like Digimon called KingWhamon supports the island on its back, awakens to eat the DigBytes and everyone starts to freak out. "It's happening! KingWhamon has awakened!" Shakomon confirms what is happening as the island shakes and begins slowly rising from the water... to reveal huge jaws that begin to open.

On the other side
Dorulumon, Cutemon, and Miwmon tried to stay balanced. "Why is this island shaking?" Cutemon asks holding on to Dorulumon's leg tightly. "It's KingWhamon. He's awake, but why now?" Dorulumon looks out to the distance. "KingWha?-excuse me, but are you saying this isn't an island and we're actually on a Digimon?" Miwmon holds on to his other leg tightly. "Yes, but something is wrong." "Clearly, why didn't you say tell us?!" Miwmon shout. "Are the others in danger?" Cutemon looks in the distance with worry. "I'm sure they're fine." Dorulumon said. Miwmon felt like she needed to be there again to make sure everyone was okay.

With Mikey and his friends
As the mouth was raising, everyone slid down but could hold on tress. "This island is actually a big giant Digimon?!" Jeremy yelled in shock. "A giant Digimon, once a year expected to be fed, you see we feed him DigiBytes in return he protects the secret jewel that he keeps hiding away in his stomach." Chibitortomon explains. "It's probably the Code Crown that everyone is after." Jijimon strokes his bread. Mikey stared at those DigiBytes, raise eyebrows, and narrow his eyes. "Some of those DigiBytes look odd to me. Almost like-" "Those look delicious!" Shoutmon drools more, wipe it away, and jumps out. "Shoutmon wait!" Mikey tries to stop, but it was too late, Shoutmon jump off the cliff and manages to grab one of the dynamite and triggers while attempting to eat the falling DigiBytes. "Shoutmon! Are you okay?" "Yeah!" Angie, Mikey, and Jeremy were very relieved to know that their friend is alright, but they realize that this would harm KingWhamon, so the Fusion Fighters attempt to destroy them.

Syakomon attempts to snipe the dynamite, and Shoutmon hurts himself severely by physically taking care of those Syakomon misses. Shoutmon kept taking down the dynamites, getting hit every time and never gave up. Mikey jumps into the water after Shoutmon, who has been weakened by the blasts. The Flymon decide to attack them first, but suddenly, King Whamon opens his mouth, and Mikey and Shoutmon are drawn in. "Mikey, I think we're in trouble!" Shoutmon yelled. The Flymon follows them inside. On top, everyone watches as it happens. "Did this island sallow Mikey?"

Inside KingWhamon
Mikey and Shoutmon realize they are in KingWhamon's stomach, and set out to find the Code Crown, they head further in from KingWhamon's stomach and encounter a maze of tunnels. They hit a dead end, there were five pathways, and they didn't have time to go through all of them. "Now what! The two of us could search all day and never find it. Wait for a second! Re-load Pickmon." Mikey sends out a yellow Pickmon and a group of Chibickmon to scout the tunnels for the Code Crown. One of Chibickmon found the code crown and sent a signal to Pickmon. Mikey and Shoutmon follow Pickmon to the Chibickmon to the Code Crown's shrine. "Way to go Pickmon! You totally-" "Surprise!!" Mikey and Shoutmon find that the Chibickmon who found it have been attacked by the Flymon. "Sorry, But we got here before you did." Flymon laugh. Mikey recalls Pickmon and the Chibickmon.

"Make sure to thank your little friends for helping us find it. Now, beat it, little human! The Code Crown is ours." Before, Mikey or Shoutmon could make a move the Flymon paralyze him and Shoutmon with a sound attack. "What is this? I can't move." "Me too." They struggle, but to no avail. One of the Flymon stings Shoutmon with its stinger, who gets sick afterward. "One sting from my stringer, your whole body turn blue then GoodBye!" He laughs. The Flymon attempt to retrieve the Code Crown, but are stopped by a barrier.

Meanwhile, on the surface, everyone on the island prays to King Whamon that Mikey and Shoutmon will be safe. King Whamon then tells Mikey to hold onto something. At KingWhamon's instructions, Mikey holds on to Shoutmon and grabs onto a pillar as Whamon fills with water and expels the Flymon through the top of the island. Mikey asks KingWhamon why he's helping him and KingWhamon explains he heard his friend's prayers and wanted to return the favor for Shoutmon's attempts at stopping the Flymons' bombing raid. KingWhamon gives Mikey some ambergris and tells him to apply it to the wound, and Shoutmon is quickly healed. Shoutmon recovers from the poisoning and KingWhamon asks Mikey why he wants the Code Crown. After explaining his intent to defy Lord Bagra, King Whamon Lord Bagra, King Whamon was so moved by their answer, KingWhamon grants them the Code Crown.

Neptunemon decides to send an Ebidramon to attack them and to take the Code Crown by force now that KingWhamon no longer guards it. Mikey and Shoutmon are ambushed by an Ebidramon as they leave through KingWhamon's mouth. He sends Shoutmon X2 and the Star Axe to fight, but Ebidramon is still too strong for Shoutmon X2 to handle. King Whamon then informs Chibitortomon of additional treasure containing the memories of legendary heroes from an underwater temple hidden beneath him, which Chibitortomon discovers are five DigiCards. Shakomon and Pukamon attempt to help Shoutmon X2 to no avail, but Chibitortomon returns with the treasure. He gives them to Mikey, who then activates one of the DigiCard containing Leviamon, who cripples Ebidramon with two attacks, enough for Shoutmon X2 to destroy him. As the Fusion Fighters celebrate their victory, Neptunemon sends his fleet of Seadramon to attack them.

With Dorulumon, Cutemon, and Miwmon
"Should we go out there and see what's happening?" "No, It's not our fight Cutemon." "At least, can we just check if they're alright? Anything could happen and they might be in danger." "My answer is still no. It's dangerous and I don't want any of you to get hurt." "Then it's all on you if they're a goner Dorulumon. Also, you know Cutemon would go after them." Cutemon then gives Dorulumon puppy dog eyes. Dorulumon tries to resist it but sighs in frustration since he knows he can't say no to that face. "Fine! but you two stay here and Miwmon, make sure Cutemon doesn't get into any trouble." He then ran off toward the Fusion Fighters. "Do you think they're okay?" Cutemon asks with a concerned tone. "I hope so Cutemon." Cutemon looked down as if he was thinking then suddenly he ran off. "Cutemon! Where are you going?!" "To make sure my friends are safe!" Miwmon sigh then groans. "Dorulumon is going to kill me." She mumbles to herself then run on all four after Cutemon. "Then I'm on your side. Besides, I gotta make sure you're safe as well." Cutemon and Miwmon smile.

I'm really sorry if this chapter was short, but I hope you enjoy it. :3

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