Student Loans, Soccer Moms

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Between student loans and soccer moms
One of them has got to know
That I don't want to fucking deal with them.

Oh yeah they do it on purpose
I'm either suffering, worthless
Honestly maybe I'll just up and die instead

Cause I'm just another warm body
That these stupid corporations want to suck dry of life
But oh they're self aware to

So we'll keep on sucking
Till it's all gone fucking dry
Then where will we be?

Pigs for the slaughter
Wondering what will happen to our daughters.
Keep riding on the slippery slope
Of killing our planet and our hope

Cause everyone's after the quick fix
No one considering the long game

Why can't humans be like ants
And praise one queen, a goal
To band together and work towards?

Maybe it's the Karen's
But every Karen I've ever known was honey sweet
So maybe it's all of us
And the narcissists in charge of us
Those psychopaths that don't feel guilt
The sociopaths that do it still

So we'll let the soccer moms and student loans
Eat up all of our fucking hopes
And then we'll wonder
At the end
Why we wish to go back
And do everything

PoemsDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora