The Calm Within the Storm | Sebastian x Darren

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Requested by @4ashley1756 Hope you enjoy!

Sebastian's P.O.V.

So.....long story short, I hate thunderstorms. There's no real reason it's just always been that way. I find it weird because I love the rain, but the thunder and lightning always get to me. The only one to know about it is Oli, for obvious reasons.

As I lay in my bed, I heard the rain coming down hard on the roof. I found it relaxing and was almost asleep before there was a huge clap of thunder. I jolted up from the noise. I tried to steady my breathing to no avail. So, my next best option was to go get a glass of water. I walked down the hall only to stop halfway as I heard another loud crack of thunder. I squeezed my eyes shut and counted for 5 seconds before continuing to the kitchen.

I drank my glass of water and then filled up the cup again. As I was about to take a sip, I heard footsteps as Darren appeared in the kitchen.

"Hey Seb..." His voice was groggy.

I watched as he tried to reach for a cup without dropping Toasty which was in his other hand. He was also half asleep so it didn't work out too well. I walked over and stood behind him.

"You need help?" I asked.

He nodded his head as I reached over him to grab a glass. He turned towards me and I handed him the cup. My eyes followed his figure as he went to fill up his glass.

"What are you doing up?" He asks.

"Couldn't sleep."

He tilted his head. "Really? You're usually out like a light. Is something wrong?"

I looked down at my cup. I debated if I should tell him about the fear of thunderstorms. I don't want him to think I'm weird.


"Um, The truth is........... I have a fear of thunderstorms. I don't like the noise."

He came and stood in front of me. "Oh, ok. Do you need someone with you?"

I studied the ground for a few more seconds before nodding.

"Then come on."

He grabbed my hand and pulled me toward my room. When getting there, he closed the door. I watched him go over to the bed and lift up the blankets. He turned towards me and gestured to the mattress. I walked over and lay down. He covered me with the blankets before walking around to the other side of the bed.

Darren's P.O.V.

As soon as I got into bed with Seb, there was thunder. He basically jumped, hiding his face in my neck and holding my torso.

"It's ok." I drew little shapes on his back. "I'll protect you."

Seb was shaking, to say the least. I started humming a song and realized he was slowly calming down. So, I started singing instead. I know I'm not the best but it was worth a shot.

Tell me, have you seen a sunset
Turn into a sunrise?
Kiss right through the night?
'Cause we should try that sometime
Hold you 'til the mornin'
And if I said I'm fallin'
Would you just reply
"I know you are, but what am I?"

It was a small verse from What Am I by Why Don't We.

His breathing calmed and his grip on my shirt wasn't as intense.

"Thank you." He whispered.

I smiled and kissed his head. "Of course."

Sebastian's P.O.V.

I listened to Darren's heartbeat as I lay on his chest. I could feel the steady rhythm of his breathing.

I sat up at the sound of a knock at my door. Darren only looked over. Oliver was standing at the door.

"I came to check up on you. I woke up and realized there was a thunderstorm. But looks like you guys have it under control." He smirked.

I threw a pillow at Oli but he easily dodged it. "Darren was helping me calm down. I got scared."

The playful look was replaced with one of concern. "Ok, but if you need anything, Seb, just come get me."

"Eh, I've got Darren. I think I'll be fine."

Oli rolled his eyes. Right as he was about to leave I said one more thing.

"Tell Justin I say hi."

I knew that since he was awake, he was going to go bother Justin. Darren laughed as Oli flipped me off and left.

"Good one, but we should get some sleep." Darren pulled my hand.


I laid back down on his chest and soon fell asleep.

Hope you enjoyed<3

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