𝕎𝕙𝕪 ℕ𝕠𝕥 𝕄𝕖? | 𝕆𝕝𝕚𝕧𝕖𝕣 𝕩 𝕁𝕦𝕤𝕥𝕚𝕟

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Justin's P.O.V. 

The day went like any other. I woke up for the 9 a.m. meeting, got ready and filmed for a youtube video as well as made TikToks with the guys. After we were done, we got free time before dinner. As I was walking to my room, I get pulled to the side. I stumble into whoever pulled me. I looked up to see Oli. 

Without saying anything, he locked the door to his room. He turned back around to me and without missing a beat, kissed me. Long and desperate for something. It was about to get heated when Regie called his name. 

"I'll be right there." Oli yelled back. 

He looked back at me with an apologetic glance, a kiss that means nothing to my forehead and left the room. To be honest, I love when he manages to sneak in little kisses or makeout sessions. But at the same time, it breaks my heart. He's the one to come to me but, he's also the one who runs away. And lately, he's been around Regie as much as possible. Making Tiktoks, teaming up for games while filming, hanging out and all of that. I feel like his second choice. Someone to use when he's bored.

I left his room to go to the living room. I was looking for Ryan to see if he wanted to go play video games with me. Upon entering, I see everyone there. Including Regie and Oli. They were doing a dance for tiktok. One that required them to be extremely close. That got on my nerves. 

I didn't realize I was staring until Darren waved his hand in front of my face. 

"Heyyyy, Earth to Justin." Darren giggled.

"What do you want Darren?" I snapped.

"Ummm, no need to be rude. Just seeing if you were good. Got my answer to that though." He said putting his hands up in defence.  

"Sorry. Anyway, Ryan, you want to go play Valorant with me?"

"No, sorry. We're watching this new anime today and it's about to start. You want to join us though?" He said, sitting next to Kane and Darren. 

"Sure." I said.

After sitting next to them, Oli and Regie come and sit with us. Next to each other of course. Halfway through the show, I notice Regie and Oli snuggled up together and Regie was asleep on Oli's shoulder. Oliver looked over at me and smirked. He was messing with me at this point. With a smirk spread across his face he winked at me. I turned quickly back to the TV. After a good 7 minutes I had enough.

"I'm going to my room." I stood up abruptly.

"But it's not over." Seb commented from his spot on the floor.

"Then tell me how it ends." I left with no room for arguments.

When I got to my room, I fell down on my bed and started scrolling through tiktoks. I realized I was tired and finally decided to go for a nap. It lasted about half an hour. I was woke up by Oli shaking me. 

"Wake up sleepy head." He chuckled.

I muttered a no. He waited for a few seconds and after I didn't open my eyes or get up, he used a different tactic. Kissing me. It lasted 3 or 4 seconds and when he pulled away I finally looked up at him.

"So you'll get up to that but not me shaking you?" He tilted his head.

I didn't answer. I just got up and went into the bathroom. Once I came back, he was still sitting on my bed. 

"I came to get you for dinner." He stood up and grabbed my hand. He pulled me out of my room and down to the kitchen and dining area. 

I stopped abruptly, somewhat pulling Oliver back. 

"You ok JP?" Kane asks walking towards us.

"Umm, I'm not going to be eating with you guys. I'm going out and meeting up with someone."

"Who?" Oli asked rather quickly. I thought I saw a bit of jealousy in his eyes. Serves him right.

"You don't know them." My answer was vague for two reasons.

1. I wanted to make Oliver jealous 

2. I wasn't meeting up with anybody

The truth was, I wanted to forget. The best way I knew to do that was to drink. There was a club about half an hour from our house and I was willing to walk.

"I should get going before I'm late." With that, I left.

Once I got there, I went straight to the bar and grabbed a drink. After a few, I was a bit dazed and talking to this random girl who came and danced with me. I don't even know her name, just that she was pretty. I looked at her for a few seconds and then she started leaning in. I did too. Then I realized I didn't want to kiss her. I wanted it to be him. Looking at her lips, I realized how much I missed his. 

"I'm sorry," I pulled back abruptly. "You're very pretty and all but I already have someone."

That's when I realized that no matter how much it hurt, I loved him. I wasn't willing to risk the slightest chance I had with him on some girl I just met. 

"It's ok." She slurred.

I got her some water and left. I stumbled home. I checked my phone halfway home and realized that it was 1 in the morning. It had never clicked how late it was until now.

I finally got home and pulled out my keys. Unlocking the door, I tried to be as quiet as possible. I went to the kitchen to grab water and go to bed. Before I got to the stairs I heard someone say my name.

"Justin?" It was Oli. He was sitting on the couch looking at me. Why was he up this late?


"Where have you been?" He asked, standing up.

"Drinking." I hiccuped.

"I can tell that you were 'drinking.' " He mimicked. "Why?"

"I couldn't stand it anymore."

"Justin, I need more clarity. You're being confusing. I was worried about you." He was looking at me warily, dragging his hand through his hair.

"I was done seeing you with Regie, Ok?" I pause. "No not was, I am done. Were you really worried about me or were you just acting like the leader you're supposed to be? You know, it's always Regie this, Regie that and then hiding away to kiss me. Why am I always your second choice? Can't you see that I have feelings for you? Are you that oblivious? Or is this some sort of game to you? Why is it him?" I was on the verge of tears now.

I asked one final question, "Why not me?"

He looked completely stunned. What he said next was unexpected. No 'I'm sorry but I don't feel the same' or 'How drunk are you?' but instead,

"What?....Did you think I kissed you all these times just for shits and giggles?"

I froze for a second before answering. "....Lets be real, you did have a lot of fun shoving your tongue down my throat." Looking him dead in the eye.

"Justin," He stepped towards me, grabbing my hands. "I'm not joking. I was worried about you. I love you. I thought that you were kissing back and flirting because it was something to cure your boredom. Because you had nothing better to do. But... If you do like me ba-"

"Love you." I corrected.

"If you do love me," he continued, looking me in the eyes. "Then I won't flirt with anyone else. Just you. I'm yours. I just need full confirmation."


"Yeah" He said. We were only inches apart at this point. 

"I love you."

"Then I'm yours." And with that he kissed me for what felt like the first time.

Tell me what you think! Hope you enjoyed. <3 

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