Just What I Need Chapter 5

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My bag fell from my shoulders, landing on the floor with a thump that jerked me from my dazed stance.

What the hell?

“No, I won’t tell you.” I pushed him away, a frown finally able to make its way across my face. What was I thinking, letting him get his way with me?

He looked taken aback but he quickly swathed it with a smirk. His hands were still on either side of my head but there was much more space between us than a moment ago. “Tell me why you wouldn’t then.” He amended.

I looked him in the eye—which wasn’t helping my quest to elude his control—and immediately looked away. “Because I don’t want to.” I said. “Now just drop it.”

He dropped his arms, tucked his hands in his pocket and leaned away with a smirk. “Why won’t you tell me?” He persisted.

I picked my bag up from the floor and slung it on my shoulder roughly. “It’s not even important, Jade. Drop it.” I turned away and walked off. But, of course, I didn’t expect him to leave me that easily so I wasn’t really surprised to see him striding casually beside me.

“If it’s not important, then why wouldn’t you tell me?” He really wasn’t going to let it go.

I stopped on my tracks and turned to him with a sigh, looking at his forehead instead of meeting his gaze. “Seriously, this is getting more and more hilarious every passing second. I don’t want to tell you because I’m not obliged to. And it isn’t important at all. Really, it’s not worth the nag, Jade, so just let it go.” I snapped.

He chuckled and shrugged. “Maybe today, Ax, but I won’t forget.” He grinned.

A sigh of relief escaped my lips. At least he wouldn’t bug me now.

Advanced Chemistry was my last period for the day. Fortunately, Jade kept heavenly silent beside me. The rest of the afternoon dashed rather uneventful that the next thing I knew, Jade and I were already having dinner in the fields. He brought us some freshly baked lasagna. We started munching quietly, both of us somehow tired. The silence was climbing to its peak of comfort when Jade suddenly spoke, ruining the peace and quiet.

“You have plans tonight?” He asked, sounding the least bit interested.

“No, I’m tired.” I responded honestly but when he gave me a look, I scowled. “I’m not running off.” I announced.

He looked me over for a moment then his gaze locked with mine. It was dark but his eyes shimmered in the dim light of the moon; his face was slightly lit with the same, silvery light that I resisted the urge to drool. We stared at each other for a moment longer. I would’ve gladly peered through his exquisite eyes forever but then our kiss during lunch flashed back in my head. I quickly looked away, hiding the blush that crept up my cheeks. He cleared his throat.

“You want to go to your room now?”He queried.

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